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There are 16 eight-letter words containing ENZ

BENZENESbenzenes n. Plural of benzene.
BENZENE n. a solvent distilled from petroleum.
BENZIDINbenzidin n. Archaic form of benzidine.
BENZIDIN n. a hydrocarbon used in some dyes.
BENZINESbenzines n. Plural of benzine.
BENZINE n. a mixture of hydrocarbons obtained by the distillation of petroleum, also BENZIN.
BENZOATEbenzoate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of benzoic acid.
BENZOATE n. a salt of benzoic acid.
BENZOINSbenzoins n. Plural of benzoin.
BENZOIN n. a fragrant aromatic resin obtained from eastern Asian trees of the genus Styrax.
BENZOLESbenzoles n. Plural of benzole.
BENZOLE n. crude benzene, used as a motor-spirit, also BENZOL.
BENZOYLSbenzoyls n. Plural of benzoyl.
BENZOYL n. a compound radical, the base of benzoic acid.
BENZYLICbenzylic adj. (Organic chemistry) containing the benzyl (C6H5-CH2-) radical or any of its derivatives.
BENZYLIC adj. of or like benzyl.
CADENZAScadenzas n. Plural of cadenza.
CADENZA n. (Italian) an elaborate musical passage.
COENZYMEcoenzyme n. (Biochemistry) Any small molecule that is necessary for the functioning of an enzyme.
COENZYME n. a nonprotein organic molecule that bonds with a specific enzyme.
CREDENZAcredenza n. A sideboard or buffet.
credenza n. A horizontal filing cabinet, typically placed behind a desk.
CREDENZA n. (Italian) a long sideboard.
ENZONINGenzoning v. Present participle of enzone.
ENZONE v. to engirdle or surround with a zone or belt.
ENZOOTICenzootic n. (Epidemiology) a disease which is consistently prevalent in a population of non-human animals in a limited…
enzootic adj. Like or having to do with an enzootic.
enzootic adj. Of a disease, prevalent in a given population or area.
FRENZIEDfrenzied adj. In a state of hurry, panic or wild activity.
FRENZY v. to make frantic, also PHRENSY.
FRENZIESfrenzies n. Plural of frenzy.
FRENZY v. to make frantic, also PHRENSY.
FRENZILYfrenzily adv. Frenziedly; madly.
FRENZILY adv. in a frenzy, frantically.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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