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There are 19 seven-letter words containing EPH

ACALEPHacaleph n. (Dated) A member of the former Acalephae group, now a part of the Cnidaria phylum.
ACALEPH n. (Greek) any cnidarian (jellyfish), also ACALEPHAN, ACALEPHE.
CEPHEIDcepheid adj. (Astronomy) Relating to cepheid variables.
cepheid adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the family Cepheidae.
cepheid n. (Astronomy) A cepheid variable.
EPHEBESephebes n. Plural of ephebe.
EPHEBE n. (Greek) a young man of ancient Greece, also EPHEBOS, EPHEBUS.
EPHEBICephebic adj. Pertaining to a young man or to early manhood, especially in Ancient Greek contexts.
EPHEBIC adj. pertaining to the adult period in the life-history of an individual.
EPHEBOIepheboi n. Plural of ephebos.
EPHEBOS n. (Greek) a young man of ancient Greece, also EPHEBE, EPHEBUS.
EPHEBOSephebos n. Synonym of ephebe.
ephebos n. Plural of ephebo.
EPHEBOS n. (Greek) a young man of ancient Greece, also EPHEBE, EPHEBUS.
EPHEBUSEPHEBUS n. (Latin) a young man of ancient Greece, also EPHEBE, EPHEBOS.
EPHEDRAephedra n. Any plant of the genus Ephedra of gymnosperm shrubs.
ephedra n. A stimulant derived from the plant Ephedra sinica used in traditional Chinese herbal medicine and in…
Ephedra prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ephedraceae – many Asiatic shrubs, some of which have medicinal uses.
EPHELISephelis n. (Dermatology, pathology) Synonym of freckle.
EPHELIS n. (Latin) a freckle or mole.
EPHORALephoral adj. Pertaining to an ephor.
EPHORAL adj. pertaining to an ephor, one of a body of five magistrates chosen by the people of ancient Sparta.
JOSEPHSjosephs n. Plural of joseph.
Josephs n. Plural of Joseph.
JOSEPH n. a caped overcoat worn by women in the 18th century for riding.
KEPHIRSkephirs n. Plural of kephir.
KEPHIR n. a drink made from fermented cow's milk, also KEFIR.
KLEPHTSklephts n. Plural of klepht.
KLEPHT n. (Modern Greek) a Greek brigand or guerrilla.
NEPHEWSnephews n. Plural of nephew.
Nephews prop.n. Plural of Nephew.
NEPHEW n. the son of one's brother or sister.
NEPHRICnephric adj. Relating to or connected with a kidney.
NEPHRIC adj. of or pertaining to the kidneys.
NEPHRONnephron n. (Anatomy) The basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, which filters the blood in order to…
NEPHRON n. (Greek) an excretory unit of the kidney.
SEPHENSSEPHEN n. (Arabic) a large stingray of the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea.
TEPHRAStephras n. Plural of tephra.
TEPHRA n. (Greek) ash and debris ejected by a volcano.
ZEPHYRSzephyrs n. Plural of zephyr.
ZEPHYR n. (Greek) a gentle breeze.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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