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There are 13 seven-letter words containing EIC

AGAPEICagapeic adj. Characteristic of agape.
AGAPEIC adj. relating to agape, Christian love.
APNOEICapnoeic adj. Alternative spelling of apneic.
apnœic adj. Obsolete spelling of apneic.
APNOEIC adj. relating to apnoea, suspension of breathing esp. in sleep, also APNEAL, APNEIC, APNOEAL.
APOGEICapogeic adj. Pertaining to the apogee.
apogeic adj. (Figuratively) Climactic.
APOGEIC adj. relating to an apogee, the outermost point in an orbit, also APOGAEIC, APOGEAL, APOGEAN.
CHOREICchoreic adj. (Pathology) Of, pertaining to, or exhibiting chorea.
choreic n. One who has chorea.
CHOREIC adj. relating to chorea.
DEICERSdeicers n. Plural of deicer.
DEICER n. one that deices.
DEICIDEdeicide n. The killing of a deity; godslaughter.
deicide n. The killer of a deity.
deicide n. (Christianity, theology) The crucifixion of Jesus, viewed as a crime.
DEICINGdeicing v. Present participle of deice.
deicing n. The removal of ice.
de-icing v. Present participle of de-ice.
DEICTICdeictic adj. (Grammar) Of or pertaining to deixis; to a word whose meaning is dependent on context.
deictic adj. Directly pointing out; specifying.
deictic n. (Grammar) Such a word (such as I or here).
EPIGEICepigeic adj. Living on the surface of the land.
epigeic adj. (Of earthworms) Living in the topsoil and depositing wormcasts on the surface.
EPIGEIC adj. growing close to the ground, also EPIGEAL, EPIGAEAL, EPIGEAN, EPIGEOUS.
EUPNEICeupneic adj. Characterized by eupnea; possessing healthy breathing.
EUPNEIC adj. relating to eupnea, normal breathing, also EUPNOEIC.
NUCLEICnucleic adj. Referring to the nucleus of something.
NUCLEIC adj. as in nucleic acid, a class of acid including those in DNA and RNA.
SEICHESseiches n. Plural of seiche.
SEICHE n. (French) a rocking movement of the surface of a lake or inland sea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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