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There are 15 six-letter words containing ENR

ENRACEenrace v. (Obsolete) To enroot; to implant.
ENRACE v. (Spenser) to implant.
ENRAGEenrage v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To become angry or wild.
enrage v. (Transitive) To fill with rage; to provoke to frenzy; to make furious.
enrage v. (Transitive, obsolete) To provoke to madness, to make insane.
ENRANKenrank v. (Obsolete) To place in ranks or in order.
enrank v. (Figurative, obsolete) To classify (someone in a particular group); to enroll, register.
ENRANK v. (Shakespeare) to place in order.
ENRAPTenrapt adj. (Poetic or archaic) fascinated, enraptured.
ENRAPT adj. in ecstasy.
ENRICHenrich v. (Transitive) To enhance.
enrich v. (Transitive) To make (someone or something) rich or richer.
enrich v. (Transitive) To adorn, ornate more richly.
ENRINGenring v. To encircle.
enring v. To surround.
ENRING v. to encircle.
ENROBEenrobe v. To invest or adorn with a robe or vestment; to attire.
enrobe v. To coat or cover.
ENROBE v. to put on a robe.
ENROLLenroll v. (Transitive) To enter (A name, etc.) in a register, roll or list.
enroll v. (Transitive) To enlist (someone) or make (someone) a member of.
enroll v. (Intransitive) To enlist oneself (in something) or become a member (of something).
ENROLSenrols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enrol.
ENROL v. to insert on a register, also ENROLL.
ENROOTenroot v. (Intransitive, usually of a plant) To take root.
enroot v. (Transitive) To fix by the root; to implant firmly.
ENROOT v. to implant firmly.
GENRESgenres n. Plural of genre.
GENRE n. (French) a literary or artistic type or style.
GENROSgenros n. Plural of genro.
GENRO n. (Japanese) a group of elder statesmen in Japan.
HENRYShenrys n. Plural of henry.
HENRYs n. Plural of HENRY.
HENRY n. a unit of inductance.
SENRYUsenryu n. Alternative spelling of senryū.
senryū n. (Poetry) A haiku-like poem of up to 17 syllables that is usually humorous or satirical.
SENRYU n. (Japanese) a 3-line Japanese poem.
TENRECtenrec n. Any of several diverse small mammals, of the family Tenrecidae, many native to Madagascar.
Tenrec prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Tenrecidae – the single species Tenrec ecaudatus, endemic to Madagascar.
TENREC n. (Malagasy) a small insectivore, native to Madagascar, also TANREC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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