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There are 14 six-letter words containing EGO

BEGOESbegoes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bego.
begoes n. Plural of bego.
BEGO v. to beset.
BEGONEbegone interj. (Archaic) Expressing a desire or a command for someone or something to go away.
begone v. Past participle of bego.
BEGONE interj. be off.
CHEGOEchegoe n. Dated form of chigoe.
CHEGOE n. a small tropical flea, also CHIGGER, CHIGOE, CHIGRE.
DEGOUTDEGOUT v. (French) to make (something) into drops.
EGOISMegoism n. The tendency to think selfishly with exclusive self-interest in mind.
egoism n. (Ethics) The belief that moral behavior should be directed toward one’s self-interest only.
egoism n. (Nonstandard, by confusion of the similar words) Egotism (tendency to talk excessively about oneself).
EGOISTegoist n. An advocate of egoism.
egoist n. An egocentric or self-centered person.
egoist n. (Nonstandard, by confusion of the similar words) An egotist (person who talks excessively about themself).
EGOITYegoity n. Personality.
egoity n. Existence as an individual; selfness.
EGOITY n. the essence of the ego.
FOREGOforego v. To precede, to go before.
forego v. Alternative spelling of forgo; to abandon, to relinquish.
FOREGO v. to go before.
GREGOSgregos n. Plural of grego.
Gregos prop.n. Plural of Grego.
GREGO n. (Portuguese) a hooded jacket or cloak worn in East Mediterranean countries.
LEGONGlegong n. A Balinese dance traditionally performed by girls before the age of puberty.
legong n. A girl who performs such a dance.
LEGONG n. a Balinese dance.
MEGOHMmegohm n. Alternative spelling of megaohm.
MEGOHM n. a measure of electrical resistance, one million ohms.
NONEGOnonego n. (Philosophy) That part of the psyche excluding the ego.
NONEGO n. all that is not part of the ego.
SAPEGOSAPEGO n. a dry, scaly eruption on the skin; esp. a ringworm, also SERPIGO, SUPPEAGO.
SEGOLSsegols n. Plural of segol.
SEGOL n. (Hebrew) a vowel-point in Hebrew, also SEGHOL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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