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List of 5-letter words containing

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There are 10 five-letter words containing ETO

AWETOaweto n. (New Zealand) A parasitic fungus of the genus Ophiocordyceps.
AWETO n. (Maori) a wormlike fungus, also AWATO, AWHATO, AWHETO.
BETONBETON n. (French) lime concrete.
DETOXdetox n. Detoxification, especially of the body from alcohol or illegal, addictive drugs.
detox n. A detoxification unit.
detox v. (Transitive, intransitive) To detoxify, especially from alcohol or recreational drugs.
FETORfetor n. An unpleasant smell.
FETOR n. (Latin) a stench, also FOETOR.
JETONjeton n. A counter or token.
JETON n. (French) a piece of metal used as a counter, also JETTON.
KETOLketol n. (Organic chemistry) A hydroxyketone (e.g., an acyloin).
KETOL n. one of a series of complex nitrogenous substances, represented by methyl ketol and related to indol.
METOLmetol n. (Chemistry, photography) The sulphate of 4-methylaminophenol, used as a photographic developer.
METOL n. a coal tar derivative used in developing pictures.
NETOPnetop n. (US, New England dialect, possibly archaic) Friend.
NETOP n. (Native American) a friend, companion.
RETOXretox v. (Intransitive, informal, humorous) To resume the consumption of alcohol, drugs, etc.; to reverse a period of detox.
RETOX v. to embark on a binge of drink, drugs, or unhealthy food after a period of abstinence.
SETONseton n. (Medicine, agriculture) A few silk threads or horsehairs, or a strip of linen etc., introduced beneath…
Seton prop.n. A surname.
set␣on v. To attack.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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