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There are 19 five-letter words containing ETH

BETHSbeths n. Plural of beth.
BETH n. (Hebrew) the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
CHETHcheth n. Alternative spelling of heth.
CHETH n. (Hebrew) the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also HETH, KHET, KHETH.
DOETHdoeth v. (Archaic) third-person singular simple present form of do.
DO v. to perform.
ETHALethal n. (Obsolete, organic chemistry) cetyl alcohol.
ETHAL n. a white waxy solid, aka cetyl alcohol.
ETHERether n. (Uncountable, literary or poetic) The substance formerly supposed to fill the upper regions of the atmosphere…
ether n. (Uncountable, physics, historical) Often as aether and more fully as luminiferous aether: a substance…
ether n. (Uncountable, colloquial) The atmosphere or space as a medium for broadcasting radio and television…
ETHICethic adj. Moral, relating to morals.
ethic n. A set of principles of right and wrong behaviour guiding, or representative of, a specific culture…
ethic n. The morality of an action. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
ETHNEethne n. Plural of ethnos.
ETHNOS n. (Greek) a group of people who share a common culture.
ETHOSethos n. The character or fundamental values of a person, people, culture, or movement.
ethos n. (Rhetoric) A form of rhetoric in which the writer or speaker invokes their authority, competence or…
ethos n. (Aesthetics) The traits in a work of art which express the ideal or typic character, as influenced by…
ETHYLethyl n. (Organic chemistry) The univalent hydrocarbon radical, C2H5, formally derived from ethane by the loss…
Ethyl prop.n. Alternative form of Ethel: a female given name.
ETHYL n. a univalent chemical radical, also ETHINYL, ETHOXY, ETHOXYL, ETHYNYL.
GOETHgoeth v. (Archaic) third-person singular simple present form of go.
GOETH v. (archaic) 3rd person singular present of GO.
HETHSheths n. Plural of heth.
Heths prop.n. Plural of Heth.
HETH n. (Hebrew) the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also CHETH, KHET, KHETH.
KHETHkheth n. Alternative form of heth (Semitic letter).
KHETH n. (Hebrew) the eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also CHETH, HETH, KHET.
LETHElethe n. Forgetfulness of the past; oblivion.
lethe n. Dissimulation.
lethe n. (Obsolete, rare) Death.
METHOmetho n. (Australia, colloquial) Methylated spirits.
metho- pref. (Chemistry) Methyl.
METHO n. (Australian slang) methylated spirits.
METHSmeths n. (UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, informal) methylated spirits.
meths n. (Geordie) plural of meth.
METH n. a stimulant drug.
SIETHSIETH n. (Shakespeare) a scythe, also SITHE.
TEETHteeth n. Plural of tooth.
teeth n. (Informal) The ability to be enforced, or to be enforced to any useful effect.
teeth v. Dated spelling of teethe (“to grow teeth”).
TETHSteths n. Plural of teth.
TETH n. (Hebrew) a letter of the Hebrew alphabet, also TET.
UNETHUNETH adv. (archaic) with difficulty, hardly, also UNEATH, UNEATHES, UNNETHES.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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