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There are 13 five-letter words containing EGA

BEGADbegad interj. (Archaic) An expression of surprise, shock etc.
BEGAD interj. (Shakespeare) an interjection, by God, also BEDAD.
BEGANbegan v. Simple past tense of begin.
began v. (Obsolete) past participle of begin.
BEGIN v. to start.
BEGARbegar n. A system of forced labour in parts of India.
BEGAR n. (Hindi) forced labour in India.
BEGATbegat v. Simple past tense of beget.
begat n. (Nonstandard) An element of a lineage, especially of a lineage given in the Bible.
BEGET v. to cause to exist.
DEGASdegas v. (Transitive) To remove the gas from.
DEGAS v. to remove gas from.
EGADSegads interj. Alternative form of egad.
EGADS interj. a mild oath, also EGAD, ECOD, IGAD.
LEGALlegal adj. Relating to the law or to lawyers.
legal adj. Having its basis in the law.
legal adj. Being allowed or prescribed by law.
OMEGAomega n. The twenty-fourth letter of the Classical and the Modern Greek alphabet, and the twenty-eighth letter…
omega n. (Often capitalized) The end; the final, last or ultimate in a sequence.
omega n. (Physics) Angular velocity; symbol: ω.
REGALregal adj. Of or relating to royalty.
regal adj. Befitting a king, queen, emperor, or empress.
regal adj. Befitting a king, or emperor.
REGARREGAR n. (Hindi) the rich black cotton soil of the Indian subcontinent, also REGUR.
SEGARsegar n. Obsolete form of cigar.
Segar prop.n. A surname.
SEGAR n. a cigar.
VEGANvegan adj. (Of a product or practice, especially food) Not containing animal products (meat, eggs, milk, leather…
vegan adj. (Of a person) Committed to avoiding any product or practice that inherently involves animal use.
vegan adj. Relating to vegans or veganism.
VEGASvegas n. Plural of vega.
Vegas prop.n. (Informal) Las Vegas, a city in Nevada, USA.
Vegas prop.n. (Metonymically) Gambling, especially sports betting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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