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There are 9 five-letter words containing ECT

EJECTeject v. (Transitive) To compel (a person or persons) to leave.
eject v. (Transitive) To throw out or remove forcefully.
eject v. (US, transitive) To compel (a sports player) to leave the field because of inappropriate behaviour.
ELECTelect n. One chosen or set apart.
elect n. (Theology) In Calvinist theology, one foreordained to Heaven. In other Christian theologies, someone…
elect v. (Transitive) To choose or make a decision (to do something).
ERECTerect adj. Upright; vertical or reaching broadly upwards.
erect adj. (Of body parts) Rigid, firm; standing out perpendicularly, especially as the result of stimulation.
erect adj. (Of a person) Having an erect penis.
RECTArecta n. Plural of rectum.
RECTUM n. (Latin) the terminal portion of the large intestine.
RECTIrecti n. Plural of rectus.
recti- pref. Straight.
RECTUS n. (Latin) any one of several straight muscles in the body.
RECTOrecto n. The front side of a flat object which is to be examined visually, as for reading, such as a sheet, leaf…
recto n. (Printing) The right-hand page of a book of a script which reads from left to right, usually having…
recto n. (Law) A writ of right.
SECTSsects n. Plural of sect.
SECT n. a group of people united by common beliefs.
SPECTspect v. (Colloquial) expect.
SPECT n. Acronym of single-photon emission computed tomography.
-spect suff. To look at, perceive, or observe.
TECTAtecta n. Plural of tectum.
TECTUM n. (Latin) a rooflike body structure, esp. the dorsal part of the midbrain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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