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There are 9 four-letter words containing EME

DEMEdeme n. A township or other subdivision of ancient Attica.
deme n. (Ecology) A distinct local population of plants or animals.
DEME n. (Greek) a territorial subdivision of Attica (also of modern Greece), corresponding to a township.
EMESemes n. Plural of eme (uncle).
EME n. (obsolete) an uncle.
EMEUemeu n. Obsolete spelling of emu.
EMEU n. aa large flightless bird, also EMU.
FEMEfeme n. (Law, historical) A woman.
FEME n. a legal term for a woman, as in feme covert, married woman, feme sole, unmarried woman or widow.
HEMEheme n. (Biochemistry) The component of hemoglobin (and other hemoproteins) responsible for binding oxygen…
HEME n. a component of hemoglobin, also HAEM.
LEMEleme n. (Obsolete) A ray or glimmer of light; a gleam.
leme v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To shine.
LEME n. (archaic) a gleam of light, a glow.
MEMEmeme n. (Originally) Any unit of (originally cultural) information, such as a practice or idea, that is transmitted…
meme n. (Internet) Media, usually humorous, which is copied and circulated online with slight adaptations, such…
meme n. (Internet) A specific instance of a meme, such as an image macro or a video, often with humorous superimposed text.
SEMEseme n. (Linguistics, semiotics) Anything which serves for any purpose as a substitute for an object of which…
seme v. Obsolete form of seem.
seme n. Obsolete form of seam.
TEMEteme n. A meme which lives in a technological artifact rather than the human mind.
Teme prop.n. A river which rises in Powys, Wales, before entering England, flowing through Shropshire, Herefordshire…
Teme prop.n. A minor river in Marlborough, New Zealand, which flows into the (Marlborough) Avon River.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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