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There are 11 fifteen-letter words containing EOC

BIOGEOCHEMICALSbiogeochemicals n. Plural of biogeochemical.
BIOGEOCHEMICALS n. the science of plants and animals in relation to chemicals in the soil.
BIOGEOCHEMISTRYbiogeochemistry n. (Biology, geology, chemistry, ecology) The scientific study of biological, geological and chemical processes…
BIOGEOCHEMISTRY n. the science of plants and animals in relation to chemicals in the soil.
GEOCHRONOLOGIESgeochronologies n. Plural of geochronology.
GEOCHRONOLOGY n. the study of measuring geological time.
GEOCHRONOLOGISTgeochronologist n. A geologist whose speciality is geochronology.
GEOCHRONOLOGIST n. one who studies geochronology.
NEOCOLONIALISMSneocolonialisms n. Plural of neocolonialism.
NEOCOLONIALISM n. the quasi-colonialism practised by strong powers in dominating weaker, though politically independent, states by means of economic pressure.
NEOCOLONIALISTSneocolonialists n. Plural of neocolonialist.
NEOCOLONIALIST n. an upholder of neocolonialism.
NEOCONSERVATISMneoconservatism n. (US) A right wing political movement that opposes liberalism in economic areas and supports an interventionist…
NEOCONSERVATISM n. the state of being a neoconservative, a former liberal espousing political conservatism.
NEOCONSERVATIVEneoconservative n. (US) A supporter of neoconservatism.
neoconservative adj. (US) Of or relating to neoconservatism.
neo-conservative adj. Alternative spelling of neoconservative.
STEREOCHEMISTRYstereochemistry n. (Chemistry, uncountable) the branch of chemistry that involves the spatial arrangement of the atoms…
stereochemistry n. (Chemistry, countable) the effect of such spatial arrangement on the chemistry of a particular compound.
STEREOCHEMISTRY n. chemical study of arrangement of molecules and atoms.
THEOCENTRICISMSTHEOCENTRICISM n. the state of being theocentric, having God as the central interest and ultimate concern, also THEOCENTRICITY.
VIDEOCONFERENCEvideoconference n. Alternative form of video conference.
videoconference v. Alternative form of video conference.
video-conference n. Alternative form of video conference.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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