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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing ESQ

CHIVALRESQUEchivalresque adj. Characteristic of chivalry.
CHIVALRESQUE adj. relating to or connected with chivalry.
DESQUAMATINGdesquamating v. Present participle of desquamate.
DESQUAMATE v. to scale or flake off.
DESQUAMATIONdesquamation n. (Medicine) The shedding of the outer layers of the skin.
DESQUAMATION n. having one's skin fall off due to its being waterlogged.
DESQUAMATIVEdesquamative adj. Of, relating to, or attended with, desquamation.
DESQUAMATIVE adj. serving to desquamate.
DESQUAMATORYdesquamatory adj. (Surgery) Relating to the removal of the laminae of exfoliated bones.
DESQUAMATORY n. an obsolete surgical instrument once used for the desquamation of bones.
GROTESQUERIEgrotesquerie n. The quality of being grotesque or macabre.
grotesquerie n. (Literature) A genre of horror literature that was popular in the early 20th century, and practiced…
GROTESQUERIE n. (French) grotesque objects collectively; grotesque quality, also GROTESQUERY.
MACABERESQUEmacaberesque adj. Macabre.
macaberesque n. The danse macabre, or some similar performance or imagery.
MACABERESQUE adj. somewhat macaber.
MESQUINERIESMESQUINERIE n. (French) the quality of being mesquin, mean.
SESQUIALTERAsesquialtera n. (Music) A ratio of 3:2.
sesquialtera n. (Music) An organ stop that uses two ranks of different pipes.
SESQUIALTERA n. a perfect fifth; three notes against two; an organ stop giving the root, the twelfth and the tierce.
SESQUIALTERSSESQUIALTER n. a mixture stop on an organ.
SESQUIOXIDESsesquioxides n. Plural of sesquioxide.
SESQUIOXIDE n. an oxide with three atoms of oxygen to two of the other constituent.
SESQUIPEDALSSESQUIPEDAL n. a polysyllabic word.
SESQUITERTIAsesquitertia n. (Obsolete) A ratio of 4 to 3.
sesquitertia n. (Music, obsolete) A perfect fourth, an interval having the ratio of 1 to 1⅓, or 3 to 4.
SESQUITERTIA n. a perfect fourth; a rhythm of three notes against four.
STATUESQUELYstatuesquely adv. In a statuesque way.
STATUESQUE adv. tall and well-proportioned in figure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 150 words
  • Scrabble in French: 82 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 220 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 17 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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