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There are 18 words containing DERABL

ORDERABLEorderable adj. That may be ordered (obtained by placing an order).
orderable adj. That may be ordered (put in sequence).
ORDERABLE adj. that can be ordered.
PONDERABLEponderable adj. (Physics) Having a detectable amount of matter; having a measurable mass.
ponderable adj. Worthy of note; significant, interesting.
ponderable adj. (Rare) Heavy; ponderous.
PONDERABLYPONDERABLE adv. capable of being weighed.
RENDERABLErenderable adj. Capable of being rendered.
renderable n. (Computer graphics) Any object that can be rendered to the display.
RENDERABLE adj. capable of being rendered.
SOLDERABLEsolderable adj. That can be soldered.
SOLDERABLE adj. that can be soldered.
SUNDERABLEsunderable adj. Able to be sundered; able to be split off.
SUNDERABLE adj. that can be sundered.
TENDERABLEtenderable adj. Capable of being tendered.
TENDERABLE adj. that can be tendered.
PLUNDERABLEplunderable adj. Which can be plundered, robbed.
plunderable adj. Which is worth plundering, promising a rich prize.
PLUNDERABLE adj. that can be plundered.
PONDERABLESPONDERABLE n. something worth pondering.
SOLDERABLESSorry, definition not available.
CONSIDERABLEconsiderable adj. Significant; worth considering.
considerable adj. Large in amount.
considerable n. (Obsolete) A thing to be considered, consideration.
CONSIDERABLYconsiderably adv. Significantly; to a degree worth considering.
CONSIDERABLE adv. to a high degree.
IMPONDERABLEimponderable adj. Not ponderable; without sensible or appreciable weight; incapable of being weighed.
imponderable adj. Difficult or impossible to comprehend or evaluate.
imponderable n. (Physics) An imponderable substance or body; specifically, in the plural, a name formerly applied to…
IMPONDERABLYimponderably adv. In an imponderable manner.
IMPONDERABLE adv. not ponderable.
CONSIDERABLESconsiderables n. (Obsolete) plural of considerable.
CONSIDERABLE n. something worth considering.
IMPONDERABLESimponderables n. Plural of imponderable.
IMPONDERABLE n. something not ponderable.
INCONSIDERABLEinconsiderable adj. Too unimportant to be worthy of attention.
INCONSIDERABLE adj. not considerable.
INCONSIDERABLYinconsiderably adv. To an inconsiderable degree.
INCONSIDERABLE adv. not considerable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 46 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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