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There are 17 words containing DEPRAV

DEPRAVATIONdepravation n. Detraction; depreciation. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
depravation n. The act of depraving, or making anything bad; the act of corrupting.
depravation n. The state of being depraved or degenerated; degeneracy; depravity.
DEPRAVATIONSdepravations n. Plural of depravation.
DEPRAVATION n. the act of depraving.
DEPRAVEdeprave v. (Transitive) To speak ill of; to depreciate; to malign; to revile.
deprave v. (Transitive) To make bad or worse; to vitiate; to corrupt.
DEPRAVE v. to corrupt in morals.
DEPRAVEDdepraved v. Simple past tense and past participle of deprave.
depraved adj. Perverted or extremely wrong in a moral sense.
depraved adj. (Archaic) Distorted out of the normal course; abnormal.
DEPRAVEDLYdepravedly adv. In a depraved manner.
DEPRAVED adv. DEPRAVE, to corrupt in morals.
DEPRAVEDNESSdepravedness n. The state of being depraved; depravity.
DEPRAVEDNESS n. the state of being depraved.
DEPRAVEDNESSESDEPRAVEDNESS n. the state of being depraved.
DEPRAVEMENTdepravement n. (Archaic) Depravity; corruption.
DEPRAVEMENT n. (archaic) vitiation.
DEPRAVEMENTSdepravements n. Plural of depravement.
DEPRAVEMENT n. (archaic) vitiation.
DEPRAVERdepraver n. One who depraves or corrupts.
DEPRAVER n. one who depraves.
DEPRAVERSdepravers n. Plural of depraver.
DEPRAVER n. one who depraves.
DEPRAVESdepraves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of deprave.
DEPRAVE v. to corrupt in morals.
DEPRAVINGdepraving v. Present participle of deprave.
DEPRAVE v. to corrupt in morals.
DEPRAVINGLYdepravingly adv. In a depraving manner.
DEPRAVING adv. DEPRAVE, to corrupt in morals.
DEPRAVITIESdepravities n. Plural of depravity.
DEPRAVITY n. wickedness.
DEPRAVITYdepravity n. (Uncountable) The state or condition of being depraved; moral debasement.
depravity n. (Countable) A particular depraved act or trait.
depravity n. (Uncountable, Christian theology) Inborn corruption, entailing the belief that every facet of human…
UNDEPRAVEDundepraved adj. (Archaic) Not morally depraved or corrupted.
UNDEPRAVED adj. not depraved.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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