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There are 9 words containing DENTIS

DENTISTdentist n. A medical doctor who specializes in dentistry.
DENTIST n. a tooth doctor.
DENTISTSdentists n. Plural of dentist.
DENTIST n. a tooth doctor.
DENTISTRYdentistry n. (Uncountable) The field of medicine concerned with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions…
dentistry n. (Uncountable) Operations performed on teeth and adjoining areas such as drilling, filling cavities…
dentistry n. (Countable) A dental surgery, an operation on the teeth.
STUDENTISHstudentish adj. Characteristic of a student; studenty.
DENTISTRIESdentistries n. Plural of dentistry.
DENTISTRY n. the work of a dentist.
IRREDENTISMirredentism n. A nationalistic doctrine advocating the annexation of foreign lands with historic or ethnic links.
IRREDENTISM n. advocating return of what is now foreign land to the former occupants.
IRREDENTISTirredentist n. Someone who calls for the seizure or recovery of territories or states currently subject to other countries;…
irredentist adj. Of or relating to irredentists or their policies.
Irredentist n. (Historical) A member or supporter of the Italian party after 1878 which called for the recovery of…
IRREDENTISMSirredentisms n. Plural of irredentism.
IRREDENTISM n. advocating return of what is now foreign land to the former occupants.
IRREDENTISTSirredentists n. Plural of irredentist.
Irredentists n. Plural of Irredentist.
IRREDENTIST n. one who attempts to recover a region to a country that has lost it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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