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There are 18 words containing DENTIC

BIOIDENTICALbioidentical adj. (Of a synthetic hormone, etc.) Identical to that which is naturally produced by the body.
bioidentical n. A bioidentical form of something.
DENTICAREdenticare n. (Canada, medicine) Dentistry subsidized through the medicare system.
DENTICARE n. a plan for providing dental care funded by some provincial governments.
DENTICARESDENTICARE n. a plan for providing dental care funded by some provincial governments.
DENTICLEdenticle n. A small tooth.
denticle n. (Medicine) A pulp stone.
denticle n. Material serving as the dermis of sharks.
DENTICLESdenticles n. Plural of denticle.
DENTICLE n. a small toothlike structure, as on the skin of a shark.
DENTICULATEdenticulate adj. (Botany, zoology) Finely dentate, as a leaf edge; bearing many small toothlike structures.
denticulate adj. (Architecture) Having dentils or denticules.
denticulate n. A denticulated object.
DENTICULATEDdenticulated adj. Denticulate, having many small toothlike protrusions.
denticulated adj. (Heraldry, of a bordure, very rare) Embattled, but with only the projecting portions visible, and the…
DENTICULATED adj. finely dentate or serrate, also DENTICULATE.
DENTICULATELYdenticulately adv. In a denticulate manner.
DENTICULATE adv. finely dentate or serrate, also DENTICULATED.
DENTICULATIONdenticulation n. The state of being set with small notches or teeth.
denticulation n. (Botany, zoology) A small tooth; a denticle.
DENTICULATION n. the state of being denticulate.
DENTICULATIONSdenticulations n. Plural of denticulation.
DENTICULATION n. the state of being denticulate.
IDENTICidentic adj. (Obsolete) Identical.
identic adj. (Diplomacy, obsolete) Precisely agreeing in sentiment or opinion and form or manner of expression; applied…
IDENTIC adj. identical.
IDENTICALidentical adj. (Not comparable) Bearing full likeness by having precisely the same set of characteristics; indistinguishable.
identical adj. (Not comparable) Not different or other; not another or others; not different as regards self; selfsame;…
identical adj. (Not comparable, biology) Of twins, sharing the same genetic code.
IDENTICALLYidentically adv. In an identical manner.
identically adv. (Mathematics) In terms of an identity.
IDENTICAL adv. exactly the same, also IDENTIC.
IDENTICALNESSidenticalness n. The state or quality of being identical.
IDENTICALNESS n. the state of being identical.
IDENTICALNESSESidenticalnesses n. Plural of identicalness.
IDENTICALNESS n. the state of being identical.
NONIDENTICALnonidentical adj. Not identical; different in some respect.
nonidentical n. A twin other than an identical twin.
non-identical adj. Alternative form of nonidentical.
RODENTICIDErodenticide n. Any toxic substance used to kill rodent pests.
RODENTICIDE n. the killing of rodents.
RODENTICIDESrodenticides n. Plural of rodenticide.
RODENTICIDE n. the killing of rodents.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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