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There are 17 words containing DELICA

DELICACYdelicacy n. The quality of being delicate.
delicacy n. Something appealing, usually a pleasing food, especially a choice dish of a certain culture suggesting…
delicacy n. Fineness or elegance of construction or appearance.
DELICATEdelicate adj. Easily damaged or requiring careful handling.
delicate adj. Characterized by a fine structure or thin lines.
delicate adj. Intended for use with fragile items.
DELICATESdelicates n. Underwear or lingerie.
delicates n. Plural of delicate.
DELICATE n. a delicacy.
DELICACIESdelicacies n. Plural of delicacy.
DELICACY n. a choice food.
DELICATELYdelicately adv. In a delicate manner; exquisitely.
delicately adv. Tactfully.
DELICATE adv. gently pleasing to the senses.
INDELICACYindelicacy n. (Uncountable) The condition of being indelicate.
indelicacy n. (Countable) An indelicate act or statement.
INDELICACY n. the quality of being indelicate.
INDELICATEindelicate adj. Improper or immodest.
indelicate adj. Coarse or tasteless.
indelicate adj. Tactless or undiplomatic.
DELICATENESSdelicateness n. The characteristic of being delicate; fragility.
DELICATENESS n. the state of being delicate.
DELICATESSENdelicatessen n. A shop that sells cooked or prepared foods ready for serving.
delicatessen n. Delicacies; exotic or expensive foods.
DELICATESSEN n. ready to eat food products, such as cooked meats and prepared salads.
INDELICACIESindelicacies n. Plural of indelicacy.
INDELICACY n. the quality of being indelicate.
INDELICATELYindelicately adv. In an indelicate manner.
INDELICATE adv. not delicate.
OVERDELICATEoverdelicate adj. Excessively delicate.
OVERDELICATE adj. excessively delicate.
DELICATESSENSdelicatessens n. Plural of delicatessen.
DELICATESSEN n. ready to eat food products, such as cooked meats and prepared salads.
DELICATENESSESDELICATENESS n. the state of being delicate.
INDELICATENESSindelicateness n. The quality of being indelicate; indelicacy.
INDELICATE n. not delicate.
PSYCHEDELICALLYpsychedelically adv. In a psychedelic manner.
PSYCHEDELIC adv. relating to a state of heightened perception, also PSYCHODELIC.
PSYCHODELICALLYPSYCHODELIC adv. relating to a state of heightened perception, also PSYCHEDELIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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