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There are 19 words containing DECLAR

DECLARABLEdeclarable adj. Capable of being declared.
declarable adj. That must be declared.
DECLARABLE adj. that can be declared.
DECLARANTdeclarant n. (Law) A person who makes a formal declaration or statement.
DECLARANT n. one who makes a declaration.
DECLARANTSdeclarants n. Plural of declarant.
DECLARANT n. one who makes a declaration.
DECLARATIONdeclaration n. A written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, intention, belief, etc.
declaration n. A list of items for various legal purposes, e.g. customs declaration.
declaration n. The act or process of declaring.
DECLARATIONSdeclarations n. Plural of declaration.
DECLARATION n. the act of declaring.
DECLARATIVEdeclarative adj. Serving to declare; having the quality of a declaration.
declarative adj. (Grammar, of a verb, sentence, or mood) Expressing truth.
declarative adj. (Programming) That declares a construct.
DECLARATIVELYdeclaratively adv. In a declarative way.
DECLARATIVE adv. making a declaration.
DECLARATORdeclarator n. (Law, Scotland) A legal declaration.
declarator n. (Programming) A construct in source code that declares something, such as a variable.
DECLARATOR n. a form of action in the Court of Session, with the view of having a fact judicially ascertained and declared.
DECLARATORILYdeclaratorily adv. In a declaratory manner.
DECLARATORY adv. in the manner of a declaration.
DECLARATORSdeclarators n. Plural of declarator.
DECLARATOR n. a form of action in the Court of Session, with the view of having a fact judicially ascertained and declared.
DECLARATORYdeclaratory adj. Serving to declare or explain.
DECLARATORY adj. in the manner of a declaration.
DECLAREdeclare v. (Obsolete, transitive) To make clear, explain, interpret.
declare v. (Transitive, intransitive) To assert or announce formally, officially, explicitly, or emphatically.
declare v. (Card games) To show one’s cards in order to score.
DECLAREDdeclared v. Simple past tense and past participle of declare.
declared adj. Openly avowed.
DECLARE v. to make known clearly.
DECLAREDLYdeclaredly adv. With a formal declaration; avowedly, explicitly, professedly.
DECLARED adv. DECLARE, to make known clearly.
DECLARERdeclarer n. (Bridge) The person who wins the bidding and so declares what suit will be trump.
declarer n. One who declares.
declarer n. (Computer science) A statement that declares the properties of a variable or contributes to doing so.
DECLARERSdeclarers n. Plural of declarer.
DECLARER n. one who declares.
DECLARESdeclares v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of declare.
DECLARE v. to make known clearly.
DECLARINGdeclaring v. Present participle of declare.
declaring n. The act of making something known; announcing; proclaiming.
DECLARE v. to make known clearly.
UNDECLAREDundeclared adj. Not declared.
UNDECLARED adj. not declared.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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