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There are 14 words containing DUMPI

DUMPIERdumpier adj. Comparative form of dumpy: more dumpy.
DUMPY adj. short and thick.
DUMPIESdumpies n. Plural of dumpy.
dumpies n. Plural of dumpie.
DUMPY n. a dumpy person.
DUMPILYdumpily adv. In a dumpy manner.
DUMPY adv. short and thick.
DUMPINGdumping v. Present participle of dump.
dumping n. The disposal of something no longer needed, or of no value.
dumping n. Selling goods at less than their normal price, especially in the export market as a means of securing a monopoly.
DUMPISHdumpish adj. (Obsolete) Stupid, dull.
dumpish adj. Melancholy, sad.
DUMPISH adj. dull; sad.
DUMPIESTdumpiest adj. Superlative form of dumpy: most dumpy.
DUMPY adj. short and thick.
DUMPINGSdumpings n. Plural of dumping.
DUMPING n. the selling of large quantities of goods below market price.
DUMPINESSdumpiness n. The quality of being dumpy.
DUMPINESS n. the state of being dumpy.
DUMPISHLYdumpishly adv. In a dumpish manner; dejectedly; gloomily.
DUMPISH adv. dull; sad.
ANTIDUMPINGantidumping adj. (Economics, trade, diplomacy) Intended to combat or prevent dumping, the sale of goods below cost for…
ANTIDUMPING n. a method of trade protection intended to stop other countries dumping goods cheaply on a domestic market.
DUMPINESSESDUMPINESS n. the state of being dumpy.
DUMPISHNESSdumpishness n. Quality of being dumpish.
DUMPISHNESS n. the state of being dumpish.
ANTIDUMPINGSANTIDUMPING n. a method of trade protection intended to stop other countries dumping goods cheaply on a domestic market.
DUMPISHNESSESDUMPISHNESS n. the state of being dumpish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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