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There are 12 words containing DRANT

DRANTdrant v. (Scotland, dialect, transitive, intransitive) To drawl; to drone.
drant n. (Scotland, dialect) A droning tone.
Drant prop.n. A surname.
DRANTSdrants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of drant.
drants n. Plural of drant.
DRANT v. (dialect) to drawl, drone, also DRAUNT.
DRANTEDdranted v. Simple past tense and past participle of drant.
DRANT v. (dialect) to drawl, drone, also DRAUNT.
HYDRANThydrant n. An outlet from a liquid/fluid main often consisting of an upright pipe with a valve attached from which…
HYDRANT n. an outlet from a water main.
DRANTINGdranting v. Present participle of drant.
DRANT v. (dialect) to drawl, drone, also DRAUNT.
HYDRANTHhydranth n. (Zoology) An individual polyp of a hydroid colony.
HYDRANTH n. a nutritive zooid in a colony of hydrozoans.
HYDRANTShydrants n. Plural of hydrant.
HYDRANT n. an outlet from a water main.
QUADRANTquadrant n. One of the four sections made by dividing an area with two perpendicular lines.
quadrant n. (Mathematics) One of the four regions of the Cartesian plane bounded by the x-axis and y-axis.
quadrant n. (Geometry) One fourth of a circle or disc; a sector with an angle of 90°.
HYDRANTHShydranths n. Plural of hydranth.
HYDRANTH n. a nutritive zooid in a colony of hydrozoans.
QUADRANTSquadrants n. Plural of quadrant.
QUADRANT n. a quarter section of a circle.
QUADRANTALquadrantal n. An ancient Roman unit of measure for liquids.
quadrantal n. Cube.
quadrantal adj. (Geometry) Of or relating to a quadrant, or included in the fourth part of a circle.
QUADRANTESquadrantes n. Plural of quadrans.
QUADRANS n. (Latin) a Roman coin, a fourth part of an as.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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