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There are 11 words containing DORMI

DORMIEdormie adj. (Golf) In match play, leading the match by the same number of holes as remain to be played.
DORMIE adj. being ahead in golf by as many holes to be played, also DORMY.
DORMINDORMIN n. abscisic acid, a plant hormone, aka ABSCISIN, ABSCISSIN.
DORMICEdormice n. Plural of dormouse.
DORMOUSE n. any member of a family of rodents related to mice.
DORMINSDORMIN n. abscisic acid, a plant hormone, aka ABSCISIN, ABSCISSIN.
DORMIENTdormient adj. Obsolete form of dormant.
DORMIENT adj. (archaic) sleeping, dormant.
DORMITIONdormition n. The process of falling asleep.
dormition n. (Euphemistic) The process of death or the actual death itself.
dormition n. (Eastern Orthodoxy, often capitalized) The death and assumption into heaven of the Virgin Mary.
DORMITIVEdormitive adj. Causing sleep.
dormitive n. A medicine to promote sleep; a soporific or opiate.
DORMITIVE n. a soporific, such as opium.
DORMITORYdormitory n. A room containing a number of beds (and often some other furniture and/or utilities) for sleeping, often…
dormitory n. A building or part of a building which houses students, soldiers, monks etc. who sleep there and use…
dormitory n. A dormitory town.
DORMITIONSdormitions n. Plural of dormition.
DORMITION n. the act of sleeping; falling asleep.
DORMITIVESdormitives n. Plural of dormitive.
DORMITIVE n. a soporific, such as opium.
DORMITORIESdormitories n. Plural of dormitory.
DORMITORY n. a sleeping room, or a building containing a series of sleeping rooms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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