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There are 17 words containing DOMIC

DOMICDOMIC adj. shaped like a dome, also DOMAL, DOMICAL.
DOMICALdomical adj. Of, pertaining to, resembling or having a dome.
DOMICAL adj. shaped like a dome, also DOMIC, DOMAL.
DOMICALLYDOMICAL adv. shaped like a dome, also DOMIC, DOMAL.
DOMICILdomicil n. Archaic form of domicile.
DOMICIL v. to establish in a residence, also DOMICILE.
DOMICILEdomicile n. (Formal) A home or residence.
domicile n. (Law) A residence at a particular place accompanied with an intention to remain there for an unlimited…
domicile v. To have a domicile in a particular place.
DOMICILEDdomiciled v. Simple past tense and past participle of domicile.
domiciled adj. Living, residing or (of a company) based (in a particular place).
DOMICIL v. to establish in a residence, also DOMICILE.
DOMICILESdomiciles n. Plural of domicile.
DOMICILE v. to establish in a residence, also DOMICIL.
DOMICILIARYdomiciliary n. (Law): A person who legally resides in a particular place.
domiciliary adj. Of or relating to a domicile.
DOMICILIARY adj. of or pertaining to a domicile.
DOMICILIATEdomiciliate v. (Intransitive) To establish a permanent residence.
domiciliate v. (Transitive) To establish a permanent residence for (someone).
domiciliate v. (Transitive, figuratively) To settle (oneself) into a mode of thinking or the like.
DOMICILIATEDdomiciliated v. Simple past tense and past participle of domiciliate.
DOMICILIATE v. to establish in a permanent residence.
DOMICILIATESdomiciliates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of domiciliate.
DOMICILIATE v. to establish in a permanent residence.
DOMICILIATINGdomiciliating v. Present participle of domiciliate.
DOMICILIATE v. to establish in a permanent residence.
DOMICILIATIONdomiciliation n. The act of domiciliating.
domiciliation n. Permanent residence.
DOMICILIATION n. the act of domiciliating.
DOMICILIATIONSdomiciliations n. Plural of domiciliation.
DOMICILIATION n. the act of domiciliating.
DOMICILINGdomiciling v. Present participle of domicile.
DOMICIL v. to establish in a residence, also DOMICILE.
DOMICILSdomicils n. Plural of domicil.
DOMICIL v. to establish in a residence, also DOMICILE.
NONDOMICILEDnondomiciled adj. Not domiciled.
NONDOMICILED adj. not domiciled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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