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There are 14 words containing DITIV

ADDITIVEadditive adj. (Mathematics) Pertaining to addition; that can be, or has been, added.
additive adj. (Mathematics, of a function, etc.) That is distributive over addition.
additive adj. (Group theory, of a group, semigroup, etc.) Whose operator is identified as addition.
AUDITIVEauditive adj. Of or relating to hearing; auditory.
AUDITIVE n. a group of listeners, also AUDITORY.
ADDITIVESadditives n. Plural of additive.
ADDITIVE n. a substance added to another to impart desirable qualities.
AUDITIVESAUDITIVE n. a group of listeners, also AUDITORY.
TRADITIVEtraditive adj. Transmitted or transmissible from parent to child, or from older to younger, by oral communication; traditional.
TRADITIVE adj. traditional.
ADDITIVELYadditively adv. In an additive manner.
ADDITIVE adv. in addition.
ADDITIVITYadditivity n. (Uncountable) The property of being additive.
additivity n. (Countable) The extent to which something is additive.
ADDITIVITY n. the quality of being additive.
EXPEDITIVEexpeditive adj. (Obsolete) Performing with speed.
EXPEDITIVE adj. performing with speed.
IMPEDITIVEimpeditive adj. (Archaic) Causing hindrance; impeding.
IMPEDITIVE adj. causing hindrance; impeding.
NONADDITIVEnonadditive adj. Not additive.
NONADDITIVE adj. not having a numerical value equal to the sum of values for the component parts.
ADDITIVITIESadditivities n. Plural of additivity.
ADDITIVITY n. the quality of being additive.
NONADDITIVESSorry, definition not available.
NONADDITIVITYnonadditivity n. Without the state or quality of additivity.
NONADDITIVITY n. the state of being nonadditive.
NONADDITIVITIESnonadditivities n. Plural of nonadditivity.
NONADDITIVITY n. the state of being nonadditive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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