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There are 4 words containing DINET

DINETTEdinette n. A small space within a dwelling, usually alongside a kitchen, used for informal dining; a dining alcove or nook.
dinette n. (US, military, informal) A submarine’s mess hall.
dinette n. Furniture for an indoor informal dining space, usually consisting of chairs and a small table.
DINETTESdinettes n. Plural of dinette.
DINETTE n. an alcove or other part of a room or kitchen set apart for meals.
MIDINETTEmidinette n. A female salesperson, a shopgirl, especially in Paris.
midinette n. A vacuous but fashionable young woman.
midinette n. A type of miniature climbing rose.
MIDINETTESmidinettes n. Plural of midinette.
MIDINETTE n. (French) a French, esp. a Parisian, shopgirl; esp. a milliner's assistant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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