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There are 18 words containing DICTO

BENEDICTORYbenedictory adj. Of, pertaining to, or in the form of a benediction.
benedictory adj. Giving thanks.
BENEDICTORY adj. of or expressing benediction.
CONTRADICTORcontradictor n. Alternative form of contradicter.
CONTRADICTOR n. one who contradicts, also CONTRADICTER.
CONTRADICTORIEScontradictories n. Plural of contradictory.
CONTRADICTORY n. a word or principle that contradicts another.
CONTRADICTORILYcontradictorily adv. In a contradictory manner.
CONTRADICTORY adv. serving to contradict.
CONTRADICTORScontradictors n. Plural of contradictor.
CONTRADICTOR n. one who contradicts, also CONTRADICTER.
CONTRADICTORYcontradictory adj. That contradicts something, such as an argument.
contradictory adj. That is itself a contradiction.
contradictory adj. That is diametrically opposed to something.
INDICTORindictor n. (Law) One who indicts.
INDICTOR n. one who indicts, also INDICTER.
INDICTORSindictors n. Plural of indictor.
INDICTOR n. one who indicts, also INDICTER.
INTERDICTORinterdictor n. (Military) An aircraft designed to bomb enemy supply operations.
INTERDICTOR n. one who interdicts.
INTERDICTORSinterdictors n. Plural of interdictor.
INTERDICTOR n. one who interdicts.
INTERDICTORYinterdictory adj. Being prohibited, interdicted.
INTERDICTORY adj. serving to interdict.
MALEDICTORYmaledictory adj. Of or relating to malediction.
MALEDICTORY adj. of or like a malediction.
PREDICTORpredictor n. Something that anticipates, predicts, or foretells.
predictor n. A predictor variable.
PREDICTOR n. one who predicts, also PREDICTER.
PREDICTORSpredictors n. Plural of predictor.
PREDICTOR n. one who predicts, also PREDICTER.
VALEDICTORIANvaledictorian n. (US, Canada, properly) The individual in a graduating class who delivers the farewell or valedictory…
valedictorian n. (US, Canada, colloquial) The individual in a graduating class who graduates with the highest grades.
VALEDICTORIAN n. one who bids farewell, e.g. in the US on leaving school.
VALEDICTORIANSvaledictorians n. Plural of valedictorian.
VALEDICTORIAN n. one who bids farewell, e.g. in the US on leaving school.
VALEDICTORIESvaledictories n. Plural of valedictory.
VALEDICTORY n. a farewell.
VALEDICTORYvaledictory adj. Of or pertaining to a valediction (“an act of parting company; a speech made when parting company”);…
valedictory adj. (Canada, US) Of or pertaining to a valedictorian (“the individual in a graduating class who delivers…
valedictory n. An address given on an occasion of bidding farewell or parting company.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 13 words

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