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There are 15 words containing DERKI

CIDERKINciderkin n. (Historical, possibly dialectal) A weak cider made by steeping the refuse pomace in water; considered…
CIDERKIN n. a type of weak cider.
CIDERKINSCIDERKIN n. a type of weak cider.
KILDERKINkilderkin n. A small barrel.
kilderkin n. An old English liquid measure, usually being half a barrel; containing 18 English beer gallons, or 83.178 L.
KILDERKIN n. (obsolete) a cask measuring 18 gallons (1/2 barrel).
UNDERKILLunderkill n. (Manufacturing) Insufficient disposal because of inadequate inspection criteria.
underkill n. (Military) The situation where a weapon does too little destruction, or less than it potentially could.
underkill v. (Manufacturing) To dispose of too few items because of inadequate inspection criteria.
UNDERKINGunderking n. An inferior or subordinate king; a viceroy.
UNDERKING n. a sub-king.
WONDERKIDwonderkid n. (Informal, slang) A child prodigy; (if male) a golden boy.
WONDERKID n. (colloquial) an exceptionally successful young person.
KILDERKINSkilderkins n. Plural of kilderkin.
KILDERKIN n. (obsolete) a cask measuring 18 gallons (1/2 barrel).
UNDERKILLSunderkills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underkill.
UNDERKILL n. less force than is needed to defeat an enemy.
UNDERKINGSunderkings n. Plural of underking.
UNDERKING n. a sub-king.
WONDERKIDSwonderkids n. Plural of wonderkid.
WONDERKID n. (colloquial) an exceptionally successful young person.
WUNDERKINDwunderkind n. A child prodigy; a phenom.
wunderkind n. A highly talented or gifted individual, especially one who is successful at a young age.
Wunderkind n. Alternative letter-case form of wunderkind.
WUNDERKINDSwunderkinds n. Plural of wunderkind.
Wunderkinds n. Plural of Wunderkind.
WUNDERKIND n. (German) a child prodigy.
UNDERKINGDOMunderkingdom n. The realm of an underking.
underkingdom n. A subordinate or dependent kingdom.
UNDERKINGDOM n. a subkingdom.
WUNDERKINDERwunderkinder n. Plural of wunderkind.
Wunderkinder n. Plural of Wunderkind.
Wünderkinder n. Plural of Wünderkind.
UNDERKINGDOMSunderkingdoms n. Plural of underkingdom.
UNDERKINGDOM n. a subkingdom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 31 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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