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There are 15 words containing DEREA

BORDEREAUbordereau n. A detailed statement, especially one containing a detailed listing of documents or accounts.
bordereau n. A form of reinsurance that details the history of the risk.
BORDEREAU n. (French) a detailed bill or invoice.
BORDEREAUXbordereaux n. Plural of bordereau.
BORDEREAU n. (French) a detailed bill or invoice.
DEREALISATIONderealisation n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of derealization.
DEREALISATION n. a feeling of altered reality (as that occurring in schizophrenia or in some drug reactions) in which one's surroundings appear unreal or unfamiliar, also DEREALIZATION.
DEREALISATIONSderealisations n. Plural of derealisation.
DEREALISATION n. a feeling of altered reality (as that occurring in schizophrenia or in some drug reactions) in which one's surroundings appear unreal or unfamiliar, also DEREALIZATION.
DEREALIZATIONderealization n. (Psychology) The psychological symptom in which the world appears to be unreal, and the patient has…
derealization n. (The process of) making unreal, in general; detachment from reality or realness.
DEREALIZATION n. a feeling of altered reality (as that occurring in schizophrenia or in some drug reactions) in which one's surroundings appear unreal or unfamiliar, also DEREALISATION.
DEREALIZATIONSderealizations n. Plural of derealization.
DEREALIZATION n. a feeling of altered reality (as that occurring in schizophrenia or in some drug reactions) in which one's surroundings appear unreal or unfamiliar, also DEREALISATION.
INTERSIDEREALintersidereal adj. Between or among constellations or stars; interstellar.
INTERSIDEREAL adj. between stars.
SIDEREALsidereal adj. Of or relating to the stars.
sidereal adj. (Astronomy) Relating to a measurement of time relative to the position of the stars.
sidereal adj. (Astronomy) Relating to a measurement of time relative to the point of the vernal equinox.
SIDEREALLYsidereally adv. In a sidereal manner.
SIDEREAL adv. relating to the stars.
UNDEREARTHunderearth adj. Beneath the earth; underground.
UNDEREARTH n. the soil found beneath the surface of something.
UNDEREARTHSUNDEREARTH n. the soil found beneath the surface of something.
UNDEREATundereat v. To eat too little.
UNDEREAT v. to eat an insufficient amount.
UNDEREATENundereaten v. Past participle of undereat.
UNDEREAT v. to eat an insufficient amount.
UNDEREATINGundereating v. Present participle of undereat.
UNDEREAT v. to eat an insufficient amount.
UNDEREATSundereats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undereat.
UNDEREAT v. to eat an insufficient amount.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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