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There are 8 words containing DENDU

ADDENDUMaddendum n. Something to be added; especially text added as an appendix or supplement to a document.
addendum n. A postscript.
addendum n. (Engineering) The height by which the tooth of a gear projects beyond (outside for external, or inside…
ADDENDUMSaddendums n. Plural of addendum.
ADDENDUM n. (Latin) something to be added.
CREDENDUMcredendum n. (Theology) Something to be believed; an article of faith.
CREDENDUM n. (Latin) an article of faith.
DEDENDUMdedendum n. The difference between the radius of the pitch circle of a gear and its root circle.
DEDENDUM n. the root of a gear tooth.
DEDENDUMSdedendums n. Plural of dedendum.
DEDENDUM n. the root of a gear tooth.
PUDENDUMpudendum n. (Usually in the plural) An external genital organ in a human; especially a woman’s vulva.
pudendum n. (In the plural) A person’s genital organ, mons pubis, anus, and buttocks collectively.
pudendum n. (Figuratively) A shameful part of something.
REDDENDUMreddendum n. (Law) A clause in a deed by which some new thing is reserved out of what had been granted before; the…
REDDENDUM n. (Latin) a clause in a lease.
VIDENDUMvidendum n. That which is to be seen.
VIDENDUM n. things to be seen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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