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There are 15 words containing DELES

BLADELESSbladeless adj. Having no blade.
BLADELESS adj. without blades.
CODELESScodeless adj. Having no code (in any sense).
CODELESS adj. being without a set of laws.
DELESdeles n. Plural of dele.
DELE v. in printing, to delete.
FADELESSfadeless adj. Not fading; eternal.
FADELESS adj. not fading.
FADELESSLYfadelessly adv. (Poetic) Without fading; lastingly or eternally.
FADELESS adv. not fading.
GRADELESSgradeless adj. Without a grade.
GRADELESS adj. without a grade.
GUIDELESSguideless adj. Without a guide.
GUIDELESS adj. without a guide.
HIDELESShideless adj. Without a hide; skinless.
HIDELESS adj. without a skin.
PRIDELESSprideless adj. Without pride; humble.
PRIDELESS adj. without pride.
REDELESSredeless adj. (Obsolete) Without rede or counsel.
REDELESS adj. (archaic) without rede or counsel.
SHADELESSshadeless adj. Without shade: exposed, not sheltered from the sun.
shadeless adj. Without shades of colour.
SHADELESS adj. without shade.
SIDELESSsideless adj. Lacking a side; open at the sides.
SIDELESS adj. without sides.
TIDELESStideless adj. Without tides; nontidal.
TIDELESS adj. without a tide.
TRADELESStradeless adj. Without trade.
tradeless adj. Without a trade (occupation or line of work).
TRADELESS adj. having no trade or traffic.
URODELESurodeles n. Plural of urodele.
URODELE n. one of the Urodela, tailless amphibians, including newts and salamanders.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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