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There are 12 words containing DEFIC

DEFICIENCEdeficience n. (Obsolete) Deficiency.
DEFICIENCE n. a lack, shortage, also DEFICIENCY.
DEFICIENCESdeficiences n. Plural of deficience.
DEFICIENCE n. a lack, shortage, also DEFICIENCY.
DEFICIENCIESdeficiencies n. Plural of deficiency.
DEFICIENCY n. a lack, shortage, also DEFICIENCE.
DEFICIENCYdeficiency n. (Uncountable) Inadequacy or incompleteness.
deficiency n. (Countable) An insufficiency, especially of something essential to health.
deficiency n. (Geometry) The amount by which the number of double points on a curve is short of the maximum for curves…
DEFICIENTdeficient adj. Lacking something essential; often construed with in.
deficient adj. Insufficient or inadequate in amount.
deficient adj. (Mathematics) Of a number n, Having the sum of divisors σ(n)<2n, or, equivalently, the sum of proper…
DEFICIENTLYdeficiently adv. In a deficient manner.
DEFICIENT adv. lacking.
DEFICIENTNESSdeficientness n. The quality of being deficient.
DEFICIENT n. lacking.
DEFICIENTSdeficients n. Plural of deficient.
DEFICIENT n. a person who is mentally handicapped.
DEFICITdeficit n. Deficiency in amount or quality; a falling short; lack.
deficit n. A situation wherein, or amount whereby, spending exceeds (e.g. government) revenue.
DEFICIT n. an inadequacy or insufficiency.
DEFICITSdeficits n. Plural of deficit.
DEFICIT n. an inadequacy or insufficiency.
IMMUNODEFICIENTimmunodeficient adj. Exhibiting immunodeficiency.
IMMUNODEFICIENT adj. relating to immunodeficiency, deficiency in immune response due to depletion or inactivity of lymphoid cells.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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