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There are 20 words containing DEALE

DEALERdealer n. One who deals in goods, especially automobiles; a middleman.
dealer n. A drug dealer, one who peddles illicit drugs.
dealer n. A particular type of stock broker or trader.
DEALERSdealers n. Plural of dealer.
DEALER n. one that deals.
IDEALESSidealess adj. Devoid of ideas.
IDEALESS adj. without ideas.
MISDEALERmisdealer n. One who misdeals.
mis-dealer n. Alternative form of misdealer.
MISDEALER n. one who misdeals.
NONDEALERnondealer n. One who is not a dealer.
NONDEALER n. one who is not a (drug) dealer.
SUBDEALERsubdealer n. A dealer whose inventory comes from a larger dealership.
SUBDEALER n. a dealer who buys from other dealers.
DEALERSHIPdealership n. A place that sells items, especially cars.
DEALERSHIP n. an authorized sales agency.
ENTERDEALEENTERDEALE v. (Spenser) to interdeal, to intrigue, also INTERDEAL.
MISDEALERSmisdealers n. Plural of misdealer.
mis-dealers n. Plural of mis-dealer.
MISDEALER n. one who misdeals.
NEWSDEALERnewsdealer n. A person who sells newspapers etc.
NEWSDEALER n. (US) a newsagent.
NONDEALERSnondealers n. Plural of nondealer.
NONDEALER n. one who is not a (drug) dealer.
SUBDEALERSsubdealers n. Plural of subdealer.
SUBDEALER n. a dealer who buys from other dealers.
DEALERSHIPSdealerships n. Plural of dealership.
DEALERSHIP n. an authorized sales agency.
ENTERDEALEDENTERDEALE v. (Spenser) to interdeal, to intrigue, also INTERDEAL.
ENTERDEALESENTERDEALE v. (Spenser) to interdeal, to intrigue, also INTERDEAL.
INTERDEALERinterdealer adj. Between dealers.
interdealer n. A broker who buys or sells on behalf of another trader, so as to maintain anonymity in the transaction.
INTERDEALER n. one who interdeals.
NEWSDEALERSnewsdealers n. Plural of newsdealer.
NEWSDEALER n. (US) a newsagent.
INTERDEALERSinterdealers n. Plural of interdealer.
INTERDEALER n. one who interdeals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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