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There are 19 nine-letter words containing DUCTI

ABDUCTINGabducting v. Present participle of abduct.
ABDUCT v. to carry someone away with force; to kidnap.
ABDUCTIONabduction n. Leading away; a carrying away.
abduction n. (Anatomy) The act of abducing or abducting; a drawing apart; the movement which separates a limb or…
abduction n. (Logic) A syllogism or form of argument in which the major premise is evident, but the minor is only probable.
ADDUCTINGadducting v. Present participle of adduct.
ADDUCT v. to draw inward, esp. of muscles.
ADDUCTIONadduction n. The act of adducing or bringing forward.
adduction n. (Anatomy) The action by which the parts of the body are drawn towards its axis; -- opposed to abduction.
ADDUCTION n. the act of adducing or bringing forward.
ADDUCTIVEadductive adj. Adducing, or bringing towards or to something.
ADDUCTIVE adj. adducing, bringing towards or to something.
DEDUCTINGdeducting v. Present participle of deduct.
DEDUCT v. to subtract.
DEDUCTIONdeduction n. That which is deducted; that which is subtracted or removed.
deduction n. A sum that can be removed from tax calculations; something that is written off.
deduction n. (Logic) A process of reasoning that moves from the general to the specific, in which a conclusion follows…
DEDUCTIVEdeductive adj. Of, pertaining to, or based on deduction (process of reasoning).
deductive adj. (Logic) Based on inferences from general principles.
DEDUCTIVE adj. of thought or reasoning, concerned with deduction from premises or accepted principles.
DUCTILELYductilely adv. In a ductile manner.
DUCTILE adv. easily molded or shaped.
DUCTILITYductility n. (Physics) Ability of a material to be drawn out longitudinally to a reduced section without fracture…
DUCTILITY n. the property of a metal which allows it to be drawn into wires or filaments.
EDUCTIONSeductions n. Plural of eduction.
EDUCTION n. the act of drawing out or bringing into view.
INDUCTILEinductile adj. Not ductile; incapable of being drawn into threads, as a metal.
INDUCTILE adj. not ductile.
INDUCTINGinducting v. Present participle of induct.
INDUCT v. to bring into military service.
INDUCTIONinduction n. An act of inducting.
induction n. An act of inducing.
induction n. (Medicine) The process of inducing the birth process.
INDUCTIVEinductive adj. (Logic) Of, or relating to logical induction. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
inductive adj. (Physics) Of, relating to, or arising from inductance. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
inductive adj. Introductory or preparatory. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
REDUCTIONreduction n. The act, process, or result of reducing.
reduction n. The amount or rate by which something is reduced, e.g. in price.
reduction n. (Chemistry) A reaction in which electrons are gained and valence is reduced; often by the removal of…
REDUCTIVEreductive adj. (Scotland law, now rare) Pertaining to the reduction of a decree etc.; rescissory.
reductive adj. Causing the physical reduction or diminution of something.
reductive adj. (Chemistry, metallurgy, biology, economics) That reduces a substance etc. to a more simple or basic form.
SEDUCTIONseduction n. The act of seducing.
seduction n. (Dated, law, in English common law) The felony of, as a man, inducing a previously chaste unmarried…
SEDUCTION n. the act of seducing.
SEDUCTIVEseductive adj. Attractive, alluring, tempting.
SEDUCTIVE adj. tending to seduce, also SEDUCIVE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 30 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 26 words

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