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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing DATIO

CAUDATIONcaudation n. The property of having a caudate extension or tail.
caudation n. A caudate extension or tail.
caudation n. (Medicine) A fibrous growth.
EXUDATIONexudation n. The act or process of exuding.
exudation n. Something that is exuded.
EXUDATION n. the act of exuding.
GRADATIONgradation n. A sequence of gradual, successive stages; a systematic progression.
gradation n. A passing by small degrees from one tone or shade, as of color, to another.
gradation n. The act of gradating or arranging in grades.
IODATIONSiodations n. Plural of iodation.
IODATION n. the act of iodating.
LAUDATIONlaudation n. The act of lauding; high praise or commendation.
LAUDATION n. the act of lauding; praise.
NIDATIONSnidations n. Plural of nidation.
NIDATION n. the process by which the blastocyst becomes attached to the wall of the uterus.
NODATIONSNODATION n. the act of making a knot, or state of being knotted.
NUDATIONSnudations n. Plural of nudation.
NUDATION n. the act of making bare.
OXIDATIONoxidation n. The combination of a substance with oxygen.
oxidation n. (Chemistry) A reaction in which the atoms of an element lose electrons and the oxidation state of the…
OXIDATION n. the act of oxidizing.
PANDATIONpandation n. (Formal) A yielding or warping.
PANDATION n. (archaic) warping.
PREDATIONpredation n. (Zoology) The preying of one animal on others.
predation n. (Obsolete) The action of attacking or plundering.
PREDATION n. the killing and consuming of other animals for survival, the activity of preying.
SEDATIONSsedations n. Plural of sedation.
SEDATION n. the reduction of stress by sedatives.
SUDATIONSsudations n. Plural of sudation.
SUDATION n. excessive sweating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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