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There are 7 eight-letter words containing DECEN

DECENARYdecenary adj. Of or related to the number ten, (particularly) as a base of numeration.
decenary adj. Containing or comprising ten items or units.
decenary adj. (Law, historical) Of or related to a tithing.
DECENNIAdecennia n. Plural of decennium.
DECENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of ten years.
DECENTERdecenter v. Alternative spelling of decentre.
DECENTER v. to put out of center, also DECENTRE.
DECENTLYdecently adv. In a decent manner.
decently adv. To a reasonable or acceptable degree.
DECENT adv. conforming to standards of propriety.
DECENTREdecentre v. To remove the centre from. to decentre the tyres from some model vehicle kits.
decentre v. (Optics) To place away from the centre; to make eccentric.
decentre v. To displace from the centre.
INDECENTindecent adj. Offensive to good taste.
indecent adj. Not in keeping with conventional moral values; improper, immodest, or unseemly.
indecent adj. (Criminal law) Generally unacceptable for public broadcasting but not legally obscene.
UNDECENTundecent adj. Not decent; indecent.
UNDECENT adj. not decent, also INDECENT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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