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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing DUCTI

ABDUCTIONSabductions n. Plural of abduction.
ABDUCTION n. the act of abducing or abducting.
ADDUCTIONSadductions n. Plural of adduction.
ADDUCTION n. the act of adducing or bringing forward.
CONDUCTINGconducting v. Present participle of conduct.
CONDUCT v. to lead or guide.
CONDUCTIONconduction n. (Physics) The conveying of heat or electricity through material.
conduction n. The act of leading or guiding.
conduction n. (Obsolete) The act of training up.
CONDUCTIVEconductive adj. Able to conduct electrical current or heat.
conductive adj. Of, or relating to conductivity of a material.
CONDUCTIVE adj. having the power of conducting.
DEDUCTIBLEdeductible adj. Eligible to be deducted.
deductible n. (US, insurance) An amount of expenses that must be paid out of pocket before an insurer will pay further expenses.
DEDUCTIBLE n. a clause in an insurance policy that relieves the insurer of responsibility for an initial specified loss of the kind insured against.
DEDUCTIONSdeductions n. Plural of deduction.
DEDUCTION n. the act of deducing or deducting.
INDUCTIONSinductions n. Plural of induction.
INDUCTION n. the act of inducing.
PRODUCTILEproductile adj. Capable of being extended or prolonged; extensible; ductile.
PRODUCTILE adj. capable of being extended or prolonged.
PRODUCTIONproduction n. The act of producing, making or creating something.
production n. The act of bringing something forward, out, etc., for use or consideration.
production n. The act of being produced.
PRODUCTIVEproductive adj. Capable of producing something, especially in abundance; fertile.
productive adj. Yielding good or useful results; constructive.
productive adj. Of, or relating to the creation of goods or services.
REDUCTIONSreductions n. Plural of reduction.
REDUCTION n. the act of reducing.
REDUCTIVESreductives n. Plural of reductive.
REDUCTIVE n. a reducing agent.
SEDUCTIONSseductions n. Plural of seduction.
SEDUCTION n. the act of seducing.
SUBDUCTINGsubducting v. Present participle of subduct.
SUBDUCT v. to withdraw; to take away, also SUBDUCE.
SUBDUCTIONsubduction n. The action of being pushed or drawn beneath another object.
subduction n. (Geology) The process of one tectonic plate moving beneath another and sinking into the mantle at a…
subduction n. The act of subducting or taking away.
TRADUCTIONtraduction n. (Uncountable) The act of converting text from one language to another.
traduction n. (Countable) A malign or defamatory statement.
traduction n. (Uncountable) An act of defaming, maligning or slandering.
TRADUCTIVEtraductive adj. Capable of being deduced; derivable.
TRADUCTIVE adj. transmitted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 34 words
  • Scrabble in French: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 32 words

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