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There are 15 ten-letter words containing DISTI

CLADISTICScladistics n. (Systematics) An approach to biological systematics in which organisms are grouped based upon synapomorphies…
CLADISTICS n. taxonomic theory distinguishing by common ancestor.
DISTICHOUSdistichous adj. (Botany) Arranged in two rows on each side of an axis.
distichous adj. (Poetry) In the form of a distich.
DISTICHOUS adj. in or having two rows, also DISTICHAL.
DISTILLANDDISTILLAND n. that which is to be, or is, distilled.
DISTILLATEdistillate n. The liquid that has been condensed from vapour during distillation; normally a purified form or a fraction…
distillate n. (By extension) The essence of something.
distillate n. (Australia) Diesel fuel.
DISTILLERSdistillers n. Plural of distiller.
DISTILLER n. one who distils.
DISTILLERYdistillery n. A place where distillation takes place, especially the distillation of alcoholic spirits.
distillery n. A company that distills alcohol.
distillery n. The process of distilling alcohol.
DISTILLINGdistilling v. Present participle of distill.
distilling n. Distillation.
DISTILLING n. the act of distillation.
DISTILMENTdistilment n. The process of distillation.
distilment n. The extract produced by distillation.
DISTILMENT n. (Shakespeare) that which is distilled.
DISTINCTERdistincter adj. Comparative form of distinct: more distinct.
DISTINCT adj. clearly different.
DISTINCTLYdistinctly adv. In a distinct manner.
DISTINCT adv. clearly different.
DISTINGUEEdistinguee adj. Alternative form of distingue.
DISTINGUEE adj. (French) (of a female) distinguished, esp. in manner or bearing.
INDISTINCTindistinct adj. (Of an image etc) not clearly defined or not having a sharp outline; faint or dim.
indistinct adj. (Of a thought, idea etc) hazy or vague.
indistinct adj. (Of speech) difficult to understand through being muffled or slurred.
MONADISTICMONADISTIC adj. relating to monadism, the theory that there exist ultimate units of being.
PARODISTICparodistic adj. Of, related to, or having the characteristics of parody.
PARODISTIC adj. relating to parody.
REDISTILLSredistills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of redistill.
REDISTILL v. to distill again, also REDISTIL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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