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There are 17 words containing DUTI

DUTIABILITIESDUTIABILITY n. the state of being dutiable.
DUTIABILITYDUTIABILITY n. the state of being dutiable.
DUTIABLEdutiable adj. On which duty must be paid when imported or sold.
dutiable n. Any dutiable item.
DUTIABLE adj. subject to import tax.
DUTIEDdutied adj. On which duty must be paid; taxable on import or export.
DUTIED adj. subjected to duties.
DUTIESduties n. Plural of duty.
DUTY n. a moral or legal obligation.
DUTIFULdutiful adj. Accepting of one’s legal or moral obligations and willing to do them well, and without complaint.
dutiful adj. Pertaining to one’s duty; demonstrative of one’s sense of duty.
DUTIFUL adj. obedient.
DUTIFULLYdutifully adv. With a regard to duty; in a dutiful manner.
DUTIFUL adv. obedient.
DUTIFULNESSdutifulness n. The state of being dutiful.
DUTIFULNESS n. the state of being dutiful.
DUTIFULNESSESdutifulnesses n. Plural of dutifulness.
DUTIFULNESS n. the state of being dutiful.
UNDUTIFULundutiful adj. Not dutiful.
UNDUTIFUL adj. not dutiful.
UNDUTIFULLYundutifully adv. In an undutiful manner.
UNDUTIFUL adv. not dutiful.
UNDUTIFULNESSundutifulness n. The state or condition of being undutiful.
UNDUTIFULNESS n. the state of being undutiful.
UNDUTIFULNESSESundutifulnesses n. Plural of undutifulness.
UNDUTIFULNESS n. the state of being undutiful.
VEDUTISTAvedutista n. (Art) A landscape painter.
VEDUTISTA n. (Italian) a painter of vedute, panoramic views of towns.
VEDUTISTASvedutistas n. Plural of vedutista.
VEDUTISTA n. (Italian) a painter of vedute, panoramic views of towns.
VEDUTISTEvedutiste n. Alternative form of vedutista (“landscape painter”).
VEDUTISTA n. (Italian) a painter of vedute, panoramic views of towns.
VEDUTISTIvedutisti n. Plural of vedutista.
VEDUTISTA n. (Italian) a painter of vedute, panoramic views of towns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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