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There are 18 words containing DURO

DURODuro prop.n. A surname.
DURO n. (Spanish) a Spanish silver dollar.
DUROCduroc n. A pig of a reddish breed developed in North America.
DUROC n. a large red hog.
DUROSDuros prop.n. Plural of Duro.
DURO n. (Spanish) a Spanish silver dollar.
DUROYduroy n. (Historical) A kind of coarse woolen cloth used in 17th century England.
DUROY n. a coarse woollen fabric.
DUROCSdurocs n. Plural of duroc.
DUROC n. a large red hog.
DUROYSduroys n. Any clothing made from duroy.
DUROY n. a coarse woollen fabric.
ENDUROenduro n. (Uncountable) A motorcycle sport run on predominantly off-road courses, with many obstacles and challenges.
enduro n. (Countable) A particular race or event in the sport of enduro.
ENDURO n. a long distance race testing the endurance of motor vehicles rather than their speed.
MADUROmaduro n. A cigar made with somewhat dark, medium-strength tobacco.
Maduro prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
MADURO n. (Spanish) a dark-coloured strong cigar.
ENDUROSenduros n. Plural of enduro.
ENDURO n. a long distance race testing the endurance of motor vehicles rather than their speed.
MADUROSmaduros n. Plural of maduro.
Maduros prop.n. Plural of Maduro.
MADURO n. (Spanish) a dark-coloured strong cigar.
CORDUROYcorduroy n. A heavy fabric, usually made of cotton, with vertical ribs.
corduroy n. (Obsolete, Ireland, slang) Cheap and poor-quality whiskey.
corduroy n. A pattern on snow resulting from the use of a snow groomer to pack snow and improve skiing, snowboarding…
ORDUROUSordurous adj. Of or pertaining to ordure; filthy.
ORDUROUS adj. of or pertaining to ordure.
CORDUROYScorduroys n. Trousers made from corduroy.
CORDUROY v. to build a road reinforced with transverse logs.
DUROMETERdurometer n. An instrument used to measure the hardness or stiffness of a material, especially of an elastomer, such…
durometer n. The measurement of the hardness or stiffness of a material, especially of plastic or rubber.
DUROMETER n. an instrument for measuring the hardness of substances.
VERDUROUSverdurous adj. Freshly green; verdant; covered with verdure, or consisting of it.
verdurous adj. Having youthful or new qualities.
VERDUROUS adj. green with growth.
CORDUROYEDcorduroyed v. Simple past tense and past participle of corduroy.
corduroyed adj. Having a ribbed pattern, like corduroy.
corduroyed adj. Dressed in corduroy.
DUROMETERSdurometers n. Plural of durometer.
DUROMETER n. an instrument for measuring the hardness of substances.
CORDUROYINGcorduroying v. Present participle of corduroy.
CORDUROY v. to build a road reinforced with transverse logs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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