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There are 7 words containing DRAZ

DRAZELdrazel n. (Obsolete) A slut; a vagabond wench; a drossel.
DRAZEL n. (dialect) a slut; a vagabond wench, also DRATCHELL.
DRAZELSdrazels n. Plural of drazel.
DRAZEL n. (dialect) a slut; a vagabond wench, also DRATCHELL.
HYDRAZIDEhydrazide n. (Chemistry) any compound derived from an oxoacid by replacing the hydroxide group with -NHNH2 or derived…
HYDRAZIDE n. any of a class of compounds resulting from the replacement of hydrogen by an acid group or in one of its derivatives.
HYDRAZINEhydrazine n. (Inorganic chemistry, uncountable) A corrosive, fuming liquid, NH2-NH2, used as a rocket fuel.
hydrazine n. (Organic chemistry, countable) Any member of the class of organic compounds formally derived from NH…
HYDRAZINE n. a colourless basic liquid made from sodium hypochlorite and ammonia, used chiefly as a rocket fuel.
HYDRAZOIChydrazoic adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Of or pertaining to hydrazoic acid.
HYDRAZOIC adj. as in hydrazoic acid, a colourless highly explosive liquid.
HYDRAZIDEShydrazides n. Plural of hydrazide.
HYDRAZIDE n. any of a class of compounds resulting from the replacement of hydrogen by an acid group or in one of its derivatives.
HYDRAZINEShydrazines n. Plural of hydrazine.
HYDRAZINE n. a colourless basic liquid made from sodium hypochlorite and ammonia, used chiefly as a rocket fuel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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