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There are 13 words containing DOON

DOONdoon adv. (Geordie) Down.
doon prep. (Geordie) Down.
doon adj. (Geordie) On a lower level than before; down.
DOONAdoona n. (Australia) A padded blanket used as a cover in bed; a duvet.
doona cont. (Scotland) Contraction of do not.
Doona prop.n. An Irish surname.
DOONASdoonas n. Plural of doona.
DOONA n. (Australian) a continental quilt (orig. a trademark).
BRADOONbradoon n. A type of snaffle bit, with small rings, usually used on a double bridle in conjunction with a curb bit.
BRADOON n. (French) a light military bridle, also BRIDOON.
BRIDOONbridoon n. A type of snaffle bit, with small rings, usually used on a double bridle in conjunction with a curb bit.
BRIDOON n. (French) a light military bridle, also BRADOON.
CARDOONcardoon n. Cynara cardunculus, a prickly perennial plant related to the artichoke which has leaf stalks eaten as a vegetable.
CARDOON n. a thistle-like plant.
LARDOONlardoon n. A meat strip used for larding, especially salted pork.
LARDOON n. a strip of bacon, also LARDON.
BRADOONSbradoons n. Plural of bradoon.
BRADOON n. (French) a light military bridle, also BRIDOON.
BRIDOONSbridoons n. Plural of bridoon.
BRIDOON n. (French) a light military bridle, also BRADOON.
CARDOONScardoons n. Plural of cardoon.
CARDOON n. a thistle-like plant.
LARDOONSlardoons n. Plural of lardoon.
LARDOON n. a strip of bacon, also LARDON.
RIGADOONrigadoon n. (Dance) A quickstep dance for two people.
rigadoon n. (Music) The music for this dance.
rigadoon n. (Historical) Formerly in the French army, the beat of a drum while culprits were being marched to punishment.
RIGADOONSrigadoons n. Plural of rigadoon.
RIGADOON n. a lively Baroque period dance, also RIGAUDON.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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