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There are 17 words containing DJUT

ADJUTAGEadjutage n. Alternative form of ajutage.
ADJUTAGE n. (French) a tube added to or inserted into an aperture to control the outflow of water, as a pipe at the mouth of an artificial fountain, also AJUTAGE.
ADJUTANTadjutant n. (Military) A lower-ranking officer who assists a higher-ranking officer with administrative affairs.
adjutant n. An assistant.
adjutant n. (Zoology) Any bird of the genus Leptoptilos, a branch of the stork family (Ciconiidae) native to India…
ADJUTAGESadjutages n. Plural of adjutage.
ADJUTAGE n. (French) a tube added to or inserted into an aperture to control the outflow of water, as a pipe at the mouth of an artificial fountain, also AJUTAGE.
ADJUTANCYadjutancy n. The state or office of being an adjutant, assistant, or helper.
ADJUTANCY n. the office of an adjutant.
ADJUTANTSadjutants n. Plural of adjutant.
ADJUTANT n. an officer who assists superior officers by communicating orders, conducting correspondence, etc.
COADJUTORcoadjutor n. An assistant or helper.
coadjutor n. (Ecclesiastical) An assistant to a bishop.
COADJUTOR n. a bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and having the right of succession.
COADJUTANTcoadjutant adj. Mutually assisting or operating; helping.
coadjutant n. An assistant.
COADJUTANT adj. mutually assisting or operating; helping.
COADJUTORScoadjutors n. Plural of coadjutor.
COADJUTOR n. a bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and having the right of succession.
COADJUTRIXcoadjutrix n. A female coadjutor.
coadjutrix n. An assistant (and eventual successor) to an abbess.
co-adjutrix n. Alternative spelling of coadjutrix.
ADJUTANCIESadjutancies n. Plural of adjutancy.
ADJUTANCY n. the office of an adjutant.
COADJUTANTScoadjutants n. Plural of coadjutant.
COADJUTANT n. one who assists mutually.
COADJUTRESScoadjutress n. A female coadjutor or assistant.
COADJUTRESS n. a female coadjutor, also COADJUTRIX.
COADJUTRICEScoadjutrices n. Plural of coadjutrix.
COADJUTRIX n. a female coadjutor or assistant, also COADJUTRESS.
COADJUTRIXEScoadjutrixes n. Plural of coadjutrix.
COADJUTRIX n. a female coadjutor or assistant, also COADJUTRESS.
COADJUTORSHIPcoadjutorship n. The state or office of a coadjutor; joint assistance.
COADJUTORSHIP n. the office of coadjutor.
COADJUTRESSEScoadjutresses n. Plural of coadjutress.
COADJUTRESS n. a female coadjutor, also COADJUTRIX.
COADJUTORSHIPScoadjutorships n. Plural of coadjutorship.
COADJUTORSHIP n. the office of coadjutor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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