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There are 17 words containing DIUS

MEDIUSmedius n. (Anatomy) The middle finger; the third digit, or that which corresponds to it.
MEDIUS n. (Latin) the middle finger.
MODIUSmodius n. (Historical) A Roman dry measure of about a peck or 9 litres.
modius n. (Historical) Various medieval units of dry and liquid volume.
modius n. (Historical) A bushel-shaped headdress worn by certain deities in classical art.
RADIUSradius n. (Anatomy) The long bone in the forearm, on the side of the thumb.
radius n. (Zoology) The lighter bone (or fused portion of bone) in the forelimb of an animal.
radius n. (Entomology) One of the major veins of the insect wing, between the subcosta and the media; the vein…
GLADIUSgladius n. (Historical) A Roman sword roughly two feet long.
gladius n. (Zoology) A pen, a hard internal bodypart of certain cephalopods, made of chitin-like material.
GLADIUS n. (Latin) the internal shell, or pen, of cephalopods.
SARDIUSsardius n. (Mineralogy) sard.
SARDIUS n. (Latin) a variety of quartz, also SARD.
MEDIUSESMEDIUS n. (Latin) the middle finger.
RADIUSEDradiused adj. (In combination) Having a specified type of radius.
radiused adj. Having a rounded or curved edge.
RADIUS v. to give a rounded form to.
RADIUSESradiuses n. Plural of radius.
RADIUS n. (Latin) the shorter and thicker of the two arm bones.
DUPONDIUSdupondius n. (Historical) A bronze coin minted during the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, equal to two asses.
DUPONDIUS n. an old Roman coin.
GLADIUSESgladiuses n. Plural of gladius.
GLADIUS n. (Latin) the internal shell, or pen, of cephalopods.
PERRADIUSperradius n. Any of the primary rays of a medusa.
PERRADIUS n. the primary radius of a coelenterate.
RADIUSINGRADIUS v. to give a rounded form to.
SARDIUSESsardiuses n. Plural of sardius.
SARDIUS n. (Latin) a variety of quartz, also SARD.
STAPEDIUSstapedius n. (Anatomy) A small muscle of the middle ear that arises from the wall of the tympanum and is inserted…
STAPEDIUS n. the muscle of the middle ear.
INTERRADIUSinterradius n. Any interradial part, but especially the radius of a coelenterate halfway between two perradii.
INTERRADIUS n. a radius midway between primary radii or perradii.
STAPEDIUSESSTAPEDIUS n. the muscle of the middle ear.
INTERRADIUSESINTERRADIUS n. a radius midway between primary radii or perradii.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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