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There are 10 words containing DFIN

BLOODFINbloodfin n. Aphyocharax anisitsi, a South American characin with blood-red tail and fins.
BLOODFIN n. a freshwater fish.
BLOODFINSbloodfins n. Plural of bloodfin.
BLOODFIN n. a freshwater fish.
GOLDFINCHgoldfinch n. Any of several small passerine birds of the finch family.
GOLDFINCH n. a small gold-coloured bird of the finch family.
GOLDFINCHESgoldfinches n. Plural of goldfinch.
GOLDFINCH n. a small gold-coloured bird of the finch family.
GOLDFINNIESgoldfinnies n. Plural of goldfinny.
GOLDFINNY n. one of two or more species of European labroid fishes, also GOLDSINNY.
GOLDFINNYgoldfinny n. One of two or more species of European labroid fishes, Symphodus melops and Ctenolabrus rupestris.
GOLDFINNY n. one of two or more species of European labroid fishes, also GOLDSINNY.
REDFINredfin n. A small North American dace, Luxilus cornutus.
REDFIN n. a small North American dace; the male, in the breeding season, has bright red fins.
REDFINSredfins n. Plural of redfin.
REDFIN n. a small North American dace; the male, in the breeding season, has bright red fins.
THREADFINthreadfin n. Any of many perciform fish of the family Polynemidae.
THREADFIN n. any small, spiny-finned tropical fish of the family Polynemidae, with five threads on its pectoral fins.
THREADFINSthreadfins n. Plural of threadfin.
THREADFIN n. any small, spiny-finned tropical fish of the family Polynemidae, with five threads on its pectoral fins.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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