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There are 17 words containing DBAL

ODDBALLoddball n. An eccentric or unusual person.
oddball n. (Neuroscience) A deviant stimulus that appears among repetitive stimuli during an experiment, to trigger…
oddball adj. Exotic, not mainstream.
HANDBALLhandball n. (Uncountable) A team sport where two teams of seven players each (six players and a goalkeeper) pass…
handball n. (Countable) The medium-sized inflated ball used in this sport.
handball n. (Countable, soccer) The offence of a player other than the goalkeeper touching the ball with the hand…
HARDBALLhardball n. (Ball games) In baseball, a type of ball and baseball game, as opposed to softball.
hardball n. Tough or ruthless behavior, especially in combat, politics or business.
hardball adj. Being or exhibiting tough or ruthless behavior, especially in combat, politics or business.
ODDBALLSoddballs n. Plural of oddball.
ODDBALL n. an eccentric person.
HANDBALLShandballs n. Plural of handball.
hand␣balls n. Plural of hand ball.
HANDBALL v. to handle the ball in football.
HARDBALLShardballs n. Plural of hardball.
HARDBALL n. baseball.
ROUNDBALLroundball n. (US, slang, originally African American) The sport of basketball.
ROUNDBALL n. a form of basketball.
SPEEDBALLspeedball n. (Slang, countable) A mix of heroin and cocaine.
speedball n. (Slang, countable) Coffee with espresso.
speedball n. (Baseball, countable) A fastball.
HANDBALLEDhandballed v. Simple past tense and past participle of handball.
HANDBALL v. to handle the ball in football.
HANDBALLERhandballer n. A handball player.
HANDBALLER n. one who plays handball.
ROUNDBALLSROUNDBALL n. a form of basketball.
SPEEDBALLSspeedballs n. Plural of speedball.
SPEEDBALL v. to take cocaine and heroin taken intravenously.
HANDBALLERShandballers n. Plural of handballer.
HANDBALLER n. one who plays handball.
HANDBALLINGhandballing v. Present participle of handball.
handballing n. (Sexuality, slang) The act of inserting a hand into a partner’s anus.
HANDBALL v. to handle the ball in football.
SPEEDBALLEDspeedballed v. Simple past tense and past participle of speedball.
SPEEDBALL v. to take cocaine and heroin taken intravenously.
SPEEDBALLINGspeedballing v. Present participle of speedball.
SPEEDBALLING n. the practice of taking cocaine and heroin taken intravenously.
SPEEDBALLINGSSPEEDBALLING n. the practice of taking cocaine and heroin taken intravenously.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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