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There are 10 words containing DARM

YARDARMyardarm n. (Nautical) The outer end of a yard, often equipped with blocks for reeving signal halyards.
yard-arm n. Alternative spelling of yardarm.
YARDARM n. either end of a ship's spar.
GENDARMEgendarme n. A member of the gendarmerie, a military body charged with police duties.
gendarme n. A policeman.
gendarme n. A rock pinnacle on a mountain ridge.
YARDARMSyardarms n. Plural of yardarm.
yard-arms n. Plural of yard-arm.
YARDARM n. either end of a ship's spar.
GENDARMESgendarmes n. Plural of gendarme.
GENDARME n. (French) a French policeman.
GENDARMERYgendarmery n. Alternative spelling of gendarmerie.
GENDARMERY n. the body of gendarmes, also GENDARMERIE.
GENSDARMESgensdarmes n. Plural of gendarme.
GENDARME n. (French) a French policeman.
GENDARMERIEgendarmerie n. A military body charged with police duties among the civilian population.
GENDARMERIE n. (French) the French police, also GENDARMERY.
DARMSTADTIUMdarmstadtium n. A transuranic chemical element (symbol Ds) with atomic number 110.
DARMSTADTIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive element.
GENDARMERIESgendarmeries n. Plural of gendarmerie.
GENDARMERIE n. (French) the French police, also GENDARMERY.
DARMSTADTIUMSDARMSTADTIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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