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There are 8 words containing DAGI

ADAGIALadagial adj. Pertaining to an adage; proverbial.
ADAGIAL adj. pertaining to an adage, proverbial.
ADAGIOadagio n. (Music) A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played rather slowly, leisurely and gracefully.
adagio n. (Music) A passage having this mark.
adagio n. (Dance) A male-female duet or mixed trio ballet displaying demanding balance, spins and/or lifts.
ADAGIOSadagios n. Plural of adagio.
Adagios prop.n. Plural of Adagio.
ADAGIO n. a piece of music to be played slowly.
BANDAGINGbandaging n. Strips of cloth or other material used to create a bandage.
bandaging v. Present participle of bandage.
BANDAGING n. the act of putting a bandage on.
BANDAGINGSbandagings n. Plural of bandaging.
BANDAGING n. the act of putting a bandage on.
CADAGICADAGI n. an Australian eucalyptus with smooth green bark, also CADAGA.
CADAGISCADAGI n. an Australian eucalyptus with smooth green bark, also CADAGA.
UNBANDAGINGunbandaging v. Present participle of unbandage.
UNBANDAGE v. to take a bandage off.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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