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There are 10 nine-letter words containing DSMA

FIELDSMANfieldsman n. (Cricket, chiefly Australia, dated in UK) fielder.
FIELDSMAN n. a fielder (in cricket or baseball).
FRAUDSMANfraudsman n. A male fraudster.
FRAUDSMAN n. a person involved in criminal fraud.
GUARDSMANguardsman n. A person, especially a soldier, who is on guard.
guardsman n. (US) A member of the National Guard.
guardsman n. (Britain) A member of a Guards regiment.
GUILDSMANguildsman n. A male member of a guild.
GUILDSMAN n. a member of a guild, also GILDSMAN.
ODDSMAKERoddsmaker n. A person who sets odds for gambling.
ODDSMAKER n. one who figures odds.
OMBUDSMANombudsman n. An appointed official whose duty is to investigate complaints, generally on behalf of individuals such…
ombudsman n. A designated internal mediator in an organization whose duty is to assist members with conflict resolution…
OMBUDSMAN n. (Swedish) a government official who investigates complaints against government departments.
ROUNDSMANroundsman n. A worker who makes rounds, especially in order to deliver goods.
roundsman n. (US, historical) A policeman who acts as inspector.
ROUNDSMAN n. a person who goes round esp. one sent by a shopkeeper to take orders and deliver goods.
SWORDSMANswordsman n. A person skilled at using swords in sport or combat; a fencer.
swordsman n. A person who fights with a sword.
swordsman n. (Informal) A man who is a skillful or enthusiastic practitioner of sexual intercourse.
SYNODSMANsynodsman n. A member of a church synod.
SYNODSMAN n. a member of a synod, an ecclesiastical assembly or council.
THIRDSMANthirdsman n. (Obsolete) A third party who acts as mediator.
THIRDSMAN n. a mediator.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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