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There are 17 nine-letter words containing DEAT

DEATHBEDSdeathbeds n. Plural of deathbed.
death-beds n. Plural of death-bed.
death␣beds n. Plural of death bed.
DEATHBLOWdeathblow n. A strike or blow that leads to death, especially a coup de grace.
deathblow n. Something that prevents the completion, or ends the existence, of a project etc.; a fatal setback.
death␣blow n. Alternative form of deathblow.
DEATHCAREdeathcare n. The provision of products and services for the burial or cremation of the dead.
DEATHCARE adj. of, relating to, or providing products or services for the burial or cremation of the dead.
DEATHCUPSDEATHCUP n. a poisonous fungus.
DEATHIESTDEATHY adj. like death.
DEATHLESSdeathless adj. Undying or immortal.
deathless adj. (Of a work of art, literature, etc.) Guaranteed not to be lost or forgotten due to its importance or…
DEATHLESS adj. not subject to death.
DEATHLIERdeathlier adj. Comparative form of deathly: more deathly.
DEATHLY adj. like death.
DEATHLIKEdeathlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of death.
deathlike adj. (Obsolete) Deadly.
DEATHLIKE adj. like death.
DEATHSMANdeathsman n. (Obsolete) An executioner; a headsman or hangman.
DEATHSMAN n. (Shakespeare) an executioner.
DEATHSMENdeathsmen n. Plural of deathsman.
DEATHSMAN n. (Shakespeare) an executioner.
DEATHTRAPdeathtrap n. An extremely dangerous location, structure, or device.
deathtrap n. A plot device where a villain in a story puts a hero in an elaborate dangerous situation for the purposes…
death␣trap n. Alternative form of deathtrap.
DEATHWARDdeathward adv. Toward death.
deathward adj. Which leads toward death.
DEATHWARD adv. toward death, also DEATHWARDS.
IDEATIONSideations n. Plural of ideation.
IDEATION n. the power of the mind to form images.
MEGADEATHmegadeath n. One million deaths, especially as a unit of measure in reference to nuclear warfare.
MEGADEATH n. a million deaths.
PREDEATHSPREDEATH n. the period preceding a person's death.
SEEDEATERseedeater n. (Literally) An individual or species which eats seeds.
seedeater n. A bird species which feeds mainly on seeds.
seedeater n. Any bird in the genus Sporophila of the tanager family, Thraupidae.
TOADEATERtoadeater n. A fawning, obsequious parasite; a mean sycophant or flatterer.
toad-eater n. Alternative form of toadeater.
toad␣eater n. Alternative form of toadeater.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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