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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing DRAI

BEDRAILSbedrails n. Plural of bedrail.
BEDRAIL n. a rail that runs along the side of a bed.
DRAILINGdrailing v. Present participle of drail.
DRAIL v. to dirty by dragging.
DRAINAGEdrainage n. A natural or artificial means for the removal of fluids from a given area by its draining away.
drainage n. A system of drains.
drainage n. A downward wind.
DRAINERSdrainers n. Plural of drainer.
DRAINER n. someone or something that drains.
DRAININGdraining v. Present participle of drain.
draining n. (Uncountable) The practice of exploring drains, tunnels, or sewers.
draining n. (Countable) The process by which something is drained or emptied.
DRAISENEDRAISENE n. (historical) a dandy-horse, a sort of early bicycle, also DRAISINE.
DRAISINEdraisine n. A light auxiliary rail vehicle (train) or tram.
DRAISINE n. (historical) a dandy-horse, a sort of early bicycle, also DRAISENE.
HANDRAILhandrail n. A rail which can be held, such as on the side of a staircase, ramp or other walkway, and serving as…
handrail n. A moving continuous belt-like rail on either side of an escalator which users can hold on to for support.
HANDRAIL n. a railing used for support.
HEADRAILheadrail n. The supporting rail of a blind (such as a Venetian blind) that encloses its mechanism; a headbox.
headrail n. (Nautical) A railing, on a sailing ship, behind the figurehead.
headrail n. (Nautical, slang, obsolete, in the plural) A person’s teeth.
LANDRAILlandrail n. The corncrake, Crex crex.
LANDRAIL n. a bird with a rasping cry, aka corncrake.
PEDRAILSpedrails n. Plural of pedrail.
PEDRAIL n. a tractor with footlike pieces on the circumference of its wheels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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