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There are 20 eight-letter words containing DIVI

DIVIDANTdividant adj. (Obsolete) different; distinct.
DIVIDANT adj. (Shakespeare) divisible, divided.
DIVIDENDdividend n. (Finance) A cash payment of money by a company to its shareholders, usually made periodically (e.g…
dividend n. (Arithmetic) A number or expression that is to be divided by another.
dividend n. (Figuratively) Beneficial results from a metaphorical investment (Of time, effort, etc.).
DIVIDERSdividers n. Plural of divider.
DIVIDER n. one who divides.
DIVIDINGdividing adj. Serving to divide or separate.
dividing v. Present participle of divide.
dividing n. An act of division.
DIVIDIVIdividivi n. Alternative form of divi-divi.
divi-divi n. Caesalpinia coriaria, a leguminous tree of the southern Western Hemisphere.
divi-divi n. The seed-pods of Caesalpinia coriaria, formerly used in tanning.
DIVIDUALdividual adj. Separate, distinct.
dividual adj. Divisible, divided.
dividual adj. Shared, held in common (with others).
DIVINELYdivinely adv. In a divine manner.
DIVINE adv. pertaining to or characteristic of a god.
DIVINERSdiviners n. Plural of diviner.
DIVINER n. one who divines.
DIVINESTdivinest adj. Superlative form of divine: most divine.
DIVINE adj. pertaining to or characteristic of a god.
DIVINIFYdivinify v. (Transitive, obsolete) To render divine; to deify.
DIVINIFY v. to treat as divine, also DIVINIZE, DIVINISE.
DIVININGdivining n. The action of the verb to divine in any sense.
divining adj. That or who divines (in any sense of the verb).
divining v. Present participle of divine.
DIVINISEdivinise v. Alternative spelling of divinize.
DIVINISE v. to treat as divine, also DIVINIZE, DIVINIFY.
DIVINITYdivinity n. (Uncountable) The state, position, or fact of being a god or God. [from 14th c.].
divinity n. (Countable) Synonym of deity.
divinity n. A celestial being inferior to a supreme God but superior to man.
DIVINIZEdivinize v. (Transitive) To make divine; to make godlike.
DIVINIZE v. to treat as divine, also DIVINIFY, DIVINISE.
DIVISIONdivision n. (Uncountable) The act or process of dividing anything.
division n. Each of the separate parts of something resulting from division.
division n. (Arithmetic, uncountable) The process of dividing a number by another.
DIVISIVEdivisive adj. Having a quality that divides or separates.
DIVISIVE adj. causing disunity or dissension.
DIVISORSdivisors n. Plural of divisor.
DIVISOR n. the number by which a dividend is divided.
REDIVIDEredivide v. To divide again.
REDIVIDE v. to divide again.
UNDIVINEundivine adj. Not divine; not holy.
UNDIVINE adj. not divine.
UPDIVINGupdiving v. Present participle of updive.
UPDIVE v. to spring upward.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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